Heisman should be selected after the final game...

I would...... as a RB or WR running a sweep.

As a QB, not even remotely. Watson is light years better than Jackson when it comes to actually playing the position.
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Watson will go on to have a career as an NFL player - Jackson , my bet he flames out within 2-3 years.

Huge difference between the two when it comes to their overall ability as well as the ability to communicate and think which is very obvious when you listen to both players.

Do agree , the Heisman should be awarded after the National Championship as last night proved once again. Watsons stats over all , teams he won against (to go 32-3 over a three year period of time not that the overall W/L's should affect this years selection) , hands down this season he was the best overall player in college football and IMHO should have won it the year before.

In the end , Jackson watched , Watson played and won.

Guess we shall see if the Heisman jinks works it's magic again.
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the last Heisman winner for a team that didn't go to a bowl was in 1969 (Oklahoma 6-4). you have to go back to 1956 to find the one and only winner (Paul Hornung) from a team with a losing record. might as well use all the games as a resume since we probably will never see a winner from a team that doesn't make the post season again...
Im fine with Regular season, however thought that Watson still should have had it at that point, thats what I was saying to begin with. Jackson is a head case.... very evident.