Liar or moron. Waiting for pillhead, you inbred pole-smoking cultist.
Well here it is, pill head. Your mentally diseased Christian wannabe.
Liar or moron. Waiting for pillhead, you inbred pole-smoking cultist.
Well here it is, pill head. Your mentally diseased Christian wannabe.
Yas, dog come when called, do trick, very good.
What purpose would Trump, the Sec of State, US Navy, and every DOD and NSA agency and other allies have for lying about it? Good gravy. Not everything is a Trump gotcha moment.Their Commander in Chief has lied over 10,000 times in the last two years. The Navy covered up part of the USS John McCain and wouldn't allow its sailors to attend a Trump speech....that was supposedly at the direction of some white house staffer. How do you think they'd respond to someone with rank?
It's not difficult to see how this thing could be concocted.
Time to smell the Joe in that mug you posted of Trump photo-shopped as a US GI. BTW, Photoshopping is the only way to see that draft dodger in Government Issue uniform....and he's disrespected those who've served and sacrificed.
The fish stinks from the head down.
That's a good question. Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they DGAF. Maybe using the IRG gives the plausible deniability.
Why would KSA murder a journalist with an American green card on foreign soil when they finally had a POTUS that would double kiss their ass?
thread ruination leader! Hemorrhoid of the forum: GreedMentally diseased pill heads are easily amused.
What purpose would Trump, the Sec of State, US Navy, and every DOD and NSA agency and other allies have for lying about it? Good gravy. Not everything is a Trump gotcha moment.
What purpose would Trump, the Sec of State, US Navy, and every DOD and NSA agency and other allies have for lying about it? Good gravy. Not everything is a Trump gotcha moment.
Mentally diseased pill heads are easily amused.
So you are saying the US mined a Japanese ship and then removed a mine that did not go off and video itself doing it? And, we want a disruption is the passage where 30% of the oil flows through? OKKKKKGlad nothing similar has ever happened in the U S.
I'm even amused by what Russia does to Scientologists....
So you are saying the US mined a Japanese ship and then removed a mine that did not go off and video itself doing it? And, we want a disruption is the passage where 30% of the oil flows through? OKKKKK
So, the whole thing is made up? Where do you even get that Trump is a war hawk. He actually is not. We don't want a war with Iran. We have had war since 2001 and are still stretched thin and have bigger fish to fry. But, this is a bad situation.You're a complete idiot. Didn't similar people that you mentioned in an earlier post swear up and down that Iraq had WMDs?
You really don't know what they gained from that?
They reinforced their stance on what to do to their own people who dare to criticize them.
So, the whole thing is made up?
Is it different from how the U S treated American scientologists?
You are completely off your rockerYou have the same attitude toward this as you had toward Iraqi WMDs.
Haha, you really are a moron!
Kill of the thousands of others who speak out. Not the one with a green card, an American residence, that works for an American media company. The only thing that hasn't totally buttfvcked MBS is Trump. Even the Republican Senate is sick of their shit.
You ever think maybe Iran wants war? Or more plausibly, the IRG/fundamentalists want war?
He's the perfect candidate to off in that situation. He is the highest profile critic they can reach with the highest audience. To claim there wasn't a reason for them to kill him other than "being stupid" is absurd.
And if that were the case, why would they do that to a Japanese boat? Are they wanting war with the entire world? If they wanted to start a war, why go after something that gives them nothing in return? It all simply doesn't make sense . . . unless you look at it from the perspective of what the U.S. gains from pinning this on Iran.
When you lie about everything... all the's pretty tough to take you seriously when the time comes you need to be believed. Seems there's some dispute about the type of attack the ship sustained....
All the same. Why would they remove something explosive they did not place? Which could....explode.
On this day in 1773
Mullah ragheads blow up oil tanker. Posters on here defend Mullah ragheads. Not surprising.
And, you are still not rooting for the US of A.The same posters that told you no wmds in Iraq, that a recession started under W, that tax cuts don't pay for themselves, and there's less job creation under Cheetos.
And, you are still not rooting for the US of A.
And, you are still not rooting for the US of A.
Moron. Where I have I called for war on this situation?You're a war pig, and rooting for war.
Moron. Where I have I called for war on this situation?
How so?
We have had 2 recent wars that started 18 years ago and 15 years ago.. I support the home teamThe only recent war you haven't supported is the "war on coal."
We have had 2 recent wars that started 18 years ago and 15 years ago.. I support the home team