ohr/steele texts


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 12, 2007
prove ohr continued working with steele.

. . . Christopher Steele, worked closely with the FBI, and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, to take down Donald Trump before, during, and after the 2016 presidential election

Hundreds of pages of previously undisclosed FBI emails and memos show that the Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS, through former British spy Christopher Steele, worked closely with the FBI, and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, to take down Donald Trump before, during, and after the 2016 presidential election.

And even after the FBI officially stopped using the "dirty dossier" author as a confidential source (because he leaked to the media), they turned to then-associate deputy attorney general Ohr as a back channel to Steele.

Fusion GPS, which was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to find dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump, has a long history of smearing Republicans for profit. In 2012, for instance, Barack Obama's presidential campaign hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, as well as his donors, to literally create an enemies list.

source attack.
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"People can't attack the source if I don't include it." - WV-FAN

I love how people question sources which cite actual text messages between two people with said text messages being in the hands of the intelligence committee investigating the FBI and DOJ on this matter.
I love how people question sources which cite actual text messages between two people with said text messages being in the hands of the intelligence committee investigating the FBI and DOJ on this matter.

I have an actual text message of you saying you wanted to suck me and swallow.

See how that works?
I have an actual text message of you saying you wanted to suck me and swallow.

See how that works?

I do not wish to participate in your sick fantasies. If you don't know that the notes and texts have finally been handed over by the FBI and DOJ I suggest you buy a copy of Google for Dummies.
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