Our enemies have to be laughing at us. This is what we waste time on this country

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
The feds have stripped the name of the historic Ft Bragg sign. WW3 about to start and we do things like this. And you wonder why Putin invaded Ukraine and the Chinese are outpacing us in many areas, including militarily. We have clowns as leaders.

I like generals who won
You can thank your pal for Obama for a lot of that. His great purge for politial reasons got rid of a lot of good officers. You won't see leaders like Patton, Nimitz, McArthur, Swartzkopf, etc anymore. They can never make it in today's PC world. Our military is not understood by the American people. The American Military is designed to kill the enemy. To destory it. But, it is now set up to be a social engineering group much like a college campus. It is not about the war fighters anymore.
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including militarily. We have clowns as leaders.
Agreed. We have guys running around playing G.I. Joe in the military who can't even do their own taxes. We are doomed. I'll be stuck eating Kung Pao Chicken the rest of my life and having warm towels brought to me instead of the remote control.
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You can thank your pal for Obama for a lot of that. His great purge for politial reasons got rid of a lot of good officers. You won't see leaders like Patton, Nimitz, McArthur, Swartzkopf, etc anymore. They can never make it in today's PC world. Our military is not understood by the American people. The American Military is designed to kill the enemy. To destory it. But, it is now set up to be a social engineering group much like a college campus. It is not about the war fighters anymore.
Bragg tried to kill the American Military. And failed miserably. He was a **** up among **** ups. Your all’s need to go to the mat for every idiot who managed to get something named after him is funny.
Your all’s need to go to the mat for every idiot who managed to get something named after him is funny.
And "your all's" need to remove the name or likeness of every fvcking historical figure from Columbus to Jefferson to Jackson is stupid. So here we are.
Bragg tried to kill the American Military. And failed miserably. He was a **** up among **** ups. Your all’s need to go to the mat for every idiot who managed to get something named after him is funny.
Hugghh? The US Army named it. There are different stories of why it was named that. One is they just let the locals name it basically through local influencers and poltiicans. If I recall there was a memoir from a General that was located that at the time of the nameing approved it during the time of the world war wanted it named something easy to remember or spell or something along those lines. He had some reason for it. If I recall they had another name but it was too costly or too long or something to that effect so, he approved Bragg. Kept it shorter and they were worried about fighting a war not names.

Now let me ask you this. Nobody gave a **** for nearly 100 years including many blacks and others. Hell, most people never knew who it was name for. The cost estimates for chanign the name is in the millions. NC's part alone is estimated at $6 million. You have to change signes, stationary, marketing material(the base is a huge money maker and employs thousands) The feds will be even higher and they likely will end up giving money to the state to compensate for it.

Do you think with everything going on in the world that this is wise use of time and money? Ft Bragg is one of the most famous military bases in the world. All your special operations, airborne, your QRF force for the USA is there. When the shit goes down someone from Bragg is going. It is nearly the center of the universe for the Army and the counter terrorism forces for the country.

We have China breathign down our neck and Russia doing what they do. We have a ton of shit still going on with the war on terror whether they admit it or not. And, we are wasting time and resources doing this. Nobody gave a **** about it until some DC politicans stirref it up. Nobody knew who the hell Bragg was. Nor did they care. LIterally nobody.

Oh and they come up with Fort Liberty?
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Agreed. We have guys running around playing G.I. Joe in the military who can't even do their own taxes. We are doomed. I'll be stuck eating Kung Pao Chicken the rest of my life and having warm towels brought to me instead of the remote control.
Hey rifle, if you are getting a 20k refund you need to look at readjusting your witholdings and all of that. You are just letting Uncle Sugar hold onto your money.
Hey rifle, if you are getting a 20k refund you need to look at readjusting your witholdings and all of that. You are just letting Uncle Sugar hold onto your money.

Meg cried lied about how much she got paid as an E-3, so I am doing my part to let Uncle Sam make some interest on the $20k advance that I give them.
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Meg cried lied about how much she got paid as an E-3, so I am doing my part to let Uncle Sam make some interest on the $20k advance that I give them.
I thought maybe you had some deal where you had figured out how to get Earned Income Credit.
Bragg tried to kill the American Military. And failed miserably. He was a **** up among **** ups. Your all’s need to go to the mat for every idiot who managed to get something named after him is funny.
And so did the Apache. Should we get rid of the name of the helicopter? Oh, and Blackhawk. Our troops wear helmets designed after the German helmets of WW2. Should those go? Tomahawk missile? Those scalped people. There are a ton of Indian names in the Army. Indians were our enemy at one time. Better get rid of them.

You wonder why we can't win wars? Bull shit like this. While we are focussing on this stupid shit, people are working hard to kick our ass. Our leaders and Sec of Defene and PC Crowd are worried about a god damn name that nobody gave a shit about.
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"I noticed all these violent deaths & suicides around Fort Bragg, what can we do to address our service member's safety?"

"Change the name?"

"Genius. You're promoted."
How can we help veterans and ptsd. Oh and traumatic brain injury that is now bring talked about?

Change the name.
And so did the Apache. Should we get rid of the name of the helicopter? Oh, and Blackhawk. Our troops wear helmets designed after the German helmets of WW2. Should those go? Tomahawk missile? Those scalped people. There are a ton of Indian names in the Army. Indians were our enemy at one time. Better get rid of them.

You wonder why we can't win wars? Bull shit like this. While we are focussing on this stupid shit, people are working hard to kick our ass. Our leaders and Sec of Defene and PC Crowd are worried about a god damn name that nobody gave a shit about.
Actually yes naming things Apache and Blackhawk are kind of weird considering what we did to them. Let’s rename them the Puppycopter and UH-60 Trans Rights Transporter.

I really don’t care if the place is named Fort Bragg or Fort Liberty or Fort Mike Pence. It’s probably a waste of time and money to do the renaming, it’s just weird how much you all do care. Like you’re personally offended a ****-up like Bragg won’t have a fort named after him. This isn’t news.
Actually yes naming things Apache and Blackhawk are kind of weird considering what we did to them. Let’s rename them the Puppycopter and UH-60 Trans Rights Transporter.

I really don’t care if the place is named Fort Bragg or Fort Liberty or Fort Mike Pence. It’s probably a waste of time and money to do the renaming, it’s just weird how much you all do care. Like you’re personally offended a ****-up like Bragg won’t have a fort named after him. This isn’t news.
Because Ft Bragg is a special place..part of Americana. It is part of the American Sledgehammer. It is the business end of our spear.
Because Ft Bragg is a special place..part of Americana. It is part of the American Sledgehammer. It is the business end of our spear.
You're conversing with someone who takes his freedom for granted and appears to care nothing for what the men and women who have built the traditions of Bragg understand. Threaten to take away the pink dress he wears on Friday night...and watch him shit his pants.
I really don’t care if the place is named Fort Bragg or Fort Liberty or Fort Mike Pence. It’s probably a waste of time and money to do the renaming, it’s just weird how much you all do care. Like you’re personally offended a ****-up like Bragg won’t have a fort named after him. This isn’t news.
Do you not see the hypocrisy of your position???
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Meg cried lied about how much she got paid as an E-3, so I am doing my part to let Uncle Sam make some interest on the $20k advance that I give them.
And you are too stupid to look up the military pay scales from the time I served. You also have no clue about the fact that my luxurious "free rent" was living in the old section of Ft. Lewis (apologize in advance if that's named after someone you never knew and could have been mean to black people you never knew). These were WWII barracks. They had just been "supposedly" remediated from asbestos, even though if a piece of siding broke, it was a hazmat situation and specialists had to come in and bag and dispose of them. We also were ordered not to buff the floors because there was asbestos in the tile. Although that didn't last and they made us do it anyway. You're also too much of a pampered pussy to know that you are military 24/7.

A monthly base pay of $948.90 equates to about $720 after taxes. That's right retard, you still pay all the same taxes including federal, SS, and the rate per your state of residence when you entered. That comes to an hourly rate of $1.00/hr. 24 hrs per day x 30 days per month.

But, but, but, got free food! Yeah, another sign you don't understand dick about the military. Hey genius, why do you think the military has cadences about the food? Because it's not the shit anyone prefers to eat. Problem is, when you're single and living in the "posh" conditions of the WWII barracks, you do not get any BAS pay. So now start blowing about $50-75/week on eating takeout (you have nothing more than a microwave allowed and that's only IF you go buy one from the PX) because you can't realistically prepare much in the barracks. You want a television or something to sit on instead of your bunk that better be inspection ready at all times? No problem, AAFES will gladly let you finance all those things so you can have more payments.

Oh, you want a car? Most kids are relatively poor who enter the military and the POS they had (if they had anything) to drive in HS is about to die, so now cough up a car payment. Since you are 18-19 years old, you have zero credit history. You'll get an auto loan with a credit card rate. So you can imagine paying $270-$300/month on a fvcking new Geo Metro (don't laugh, I had friends who were doing just that). There were literally miles of car dealers side by side just, outside Ft. Lewis, chock full of slimy salespeople, just waiting to get their hooks into you.

It isn't a regular job or even college where you get to return to your luxurious room that doesn't have air conditioning, BTW, nor are you allowed to buy a window unit, even if you had the extra cash. You are on duty 24 hours per day. You have to sign out of the company area as a means to track your ass if you did happen to get a couple days off in a row and God forbid wanted to go out of town.

These are just a few of the things about the military of which you couldn't possibly fathom. In fact, the amount of info you don't know about the US Military I could almost squeeze into the Grand Canyon. You've never had to be inconvenienced in your entire cushy life. While these dumb GI's are ordered to march into battle to pay the ultimate sacrifice, you get the luxury of sitting back, criticizing their every move, while you Venmo cash to help bail out antifa thugs who are burning down personal property all because, as you say, "it was necessary."
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And you are too stupid to look up the military pay scales from the time I served. You also have no clue about the fact that my luxurious "free rent" was living in the old section of Ft. Lewis (apologize in advance if that's named after someone you never knew and could have been mean to black people you never knew). These were WWII barracks. They had just been "supposedly" remediated from asbestos, even though if a piece of siding broke, it was a hazmat situation and specialists had to come in and bag and dispose of them. We also were ordered not to buff the floors because there was asbestos in the tile. Although that didn't last and they made us do it anyway. You're also too much of a pampered pussy to know that you are military 24/7.

A monthly base pay of $948.90 equates to about $720 after taxes. That's right retard, you still pay all the same taxes including federal, SS, and the rate per your state of residence when you entered. That comes to an hourly rate of $1.00/hr. 24 hrs per day x 30 days per month.

But, but, but, got free food! Yeah, another sign you don't understand dick about the military. Hey genius, why do you think the military has cadences about the food? Because it's not the shit anyone prefers to eat. Problem is, when you're single and living in the "posh" conditions of the WWII barracks, you do not get any BAS pay. So now start blowing about $50-75/week on eating takeout (you have nothing more than a microwave allowed and that's only IF you go buy one from the PX) because you can't realistically prepare much in the barracks. You want a television or something to sit on instead of your bunk that better be inspection ready at all times? No problem, AAFES will gladly let you finance all those things so you can have more payments.

Oh, you want a car? Most kids are relatively poor who enter the military and the POS they had (if they had anything) to drive in HS is about to die, so now cough up a car payment. Since you are 18-19 years old, you have zero credit history. You'll get an auto loan with a credit card rate. So you can imagine paying $270-$300/month on a fvcking new Geo Metro (don't laugh, I had friends who were doing just that). There were literally miles of car dealers side by side just, outside Ft. Lewis, chock full of slimy salespeople, just waiting to get their hooks into you.

It isn't a regular job or even college where you get to return to your luxurious room that doesn't have air conditioning, BTW, nor are you allowed to buy a window unit, even if you had the extra cash. You are on duty 24 hours per day. You have to sign out of the company area as a means to track your ass if you did happen to get a couple days off in a row and God forbid wanted to go out of town.

These are just a few of the things about the military of which you couldn't possibly fathom. In fact, the amount of info you don't know about the US Military I could almost squeeze into the Grand Canyon. You've never had to be inconvenienced in your entire cushy life. While these dumb GI's are ordered to march into battle to pay the ultimate sacrifice, you get the luxury of sitting back, criticizing their every move, while you Venmo cash to help bail out antifa thugs who are burning down personal property all because, as you say, "it was necessary."
The life of a private is not glamorous at all.
And you are too stupid to look up the military pay scales from the time I served. You also have no clue about the fact that my luxurious "free rent" was living in the old section of Ft. Lewis (apologize in advance if that's named after someone you never knew and could have been mean to black people you never knew). These were WWII barracks. They had just been "supposedly" remediated from asbestos, even though if a piece of siding broke, it was a hazmat situation and specialists had to come in and bag and dispose of them. We also were ordered not to buff the floors because there was asbestos in the tile. Although that didn't last and they made us do it anyway. You're also too much of a pampered pussy to know that you are military 24/7.

A monthly base pay of $948.90 equates to about $720 after taxes. That's right retard, you still pay all the same taxes including federal, SS, and the rate per your state of residence when you entered. That comes to an hourly rate of $1.00/hr. 24 hrs per day x 30 days per month.

But, but, but, got free food! Yeah, another sign you don't understand dick about the military. Hey genius, why do you think the military has cadences about the food? Because it's not the shit anyone prefers to eat. Problem is, when you're single and living in the "posh" conditions of the WWII barracks, you do not get any BAS pay. So now start blowing about $50-75/week on eating takeout (you have nothing more than a microwave allowed and that's only IF you go buy one from the PX) because you can't realistically prepare much in the barracks. You want a television or something to sit on instead of your bunk that better be inspection ready at all times? No problem, AAFES will gladly let you finance all those things so you can have more payments.

Oh, you want a car? Most kids are relatively poor who enter the military and the POS they had (if they had anything) to drive in HS is about to die, so now cough up a car payment. Since you are 18-19 years old, you have zero credit history. You'll get an auto loan with a credit card rate. So you can imagine paying $270-$300/month on a fvcking new Geo Metro (don't laugh, I had friends who were doing just that). There were literally miles of car dealers side by side just, outside Ft. Lewis, chock full of slimy salespeople, just waiting to get their hooks into you.

It isn't a regular job or even college where you get to return to your luxurious room that doesn't have air conditioning, BTW, nor are you allowed to buy a window unit, even if you had the extra cash. You are on duty 24 hours per day. You have to sign out of the company area as a means to track your ass if you did happen to get a couple days off in a row and God forbid wanted to go out of town.

These are just a few of the things about the military of which you couldn't possibly fathom. In fact, the amount of info you don't know about the US Military I could almost squeeze into the Grand Canyon. You've never had to be inconvenienced in your entire cushy life. While these dumb GI's are ordered to march into battle to pay the ultimate sacrifice, you get the luxury of sitting back, criticizing their every move, while you Venmo cash to help bail out antifa thugs who are burning down personal property all because, as you say, "it was necessary."
@mlblack16. Meg STILL driving that geo metro today
Hey rifle, if you are getting a 20k refund you need to look at readjusting your witholdings and all of that. You are just letting Uncle Sugar hold onto your money.

Wait a minute, I thought he was getting a $20k tax rebate and not a refund...

Meg cried lied about how much she got paid as an E-3, so I am doing my part to let Uncle Sam make some interest on the $20k advance that I give them.

But he doesn't correct you when you say refund...

While acknowledging what I have said all along...

Nope. A refund is from an overpayment. A rebate is from a reduction in taxes. You overpaid and gave the government an interest free $20k loan for the better part of a year and that money was refunded, not rebated.

And you are too stupid to look up the military pay scales from the time I served. You also have no clue about the fact that my luxurious "free rent" was living in the old section of Ft. Lewis (apologize in advance if that's named after someone you never knew and could have been mean to black people you never knew). These were WWII barracks. They had just been "supposedly" remediated from asbestos, even though if a piece of siding broke, it was a hazmat situation and specialists had to come in and bag and dispose of them. We also were ordered not to buff the floors because there was asbestos in the tile. Although that didn't last and they made us do it anyway. You're also too much of a pampered pussy to know that you are military 24/7.

A monthly base pay of $948.90 equates to about $720 after taxes. That's right retard, you still pay all the same taxes including federal, SS, and the rate per your state of residence when you entered. That comes to an hourly rate of $1.00/hr. 24 hrs per day x 30 days per month.

But, but, but, got free food! Yeah, another sign you don't understand dick about the military. Hey genius, why do you think the military has cadences about the food? Because it's not the shit anyone prefers to eat. Problem is, when you're single and living in the "posh" conditions of the WWII barracks, you do not get any BAS pay. So now start blowing about $50-75/week on eating takeout (you have nothing more than a microwave allowed and that's only IF you go buy one from the PX) because you can't realistically prepare much in the barracks. You want a television or something to sit on instead of your bunk that better be inspection ready at all times? No problem, AAFES will gladly let you finance all those things so you can have more payments.

Oh, you want a car? Most kids are relatively poor who enter the military and the POS they had (if they had anything) to drive in HS is about to die, so now cough up a car payment. Since you are 18-19 years old, you have zero credit history. You'll get an auto loan with a credit card rate. So you can imagine paying $270-$300/month on a fvcking new Geo Metro (don't laugh, I had friends who were doing just that). There were literally miles of car dealers side by side just, outside Ft. Lewis, chock full of slimy salespeople, just waiting to get their hooks into you.

It isn't a regular job or even college where you get to return to your luxurious room that doesn't have air conditioning, BTW, nor are you allowed to buy a window unit, even if you had the extra cash. You are on duty 24 hours per day. You have to sign out of the company area as a means to track your ass if you did happen to get a couple days off in a row and God forbid wanted to go out of town.

These are just a few of the things about the military of which you couldn't possibly fathom. In fact, the amount of info you don't know about the US Military I could almost squeeze into the Grand Canyon. You've never had to be inconvenienced in your entire cushy life. While these dumb GI's are ordered to march into battle to pay the ultimate sacrifice, you get the luxury of sitting back, criticizing their every move, while you Venmo cash to help bail out antifa thugs who are burning down personal property all because, as you say, "it was necessary."
That wasn’t the discussion, moron. The argument wasn’t if military members were underpaid 20 years ago. The argument was about their pay now and correcting a bogus claim that one of you made about their current pay.

If I argued that professional athletes weren’t overpaid, would it be logical of me to say “60 years ago, professional athletes had to get second jobs for the offseason”? No, that wouldn’t make sense, because we weren’t talking about 60 years ago. Likewise, moron, the argument wasn’t about the pay of the military 20 years ago. It was about their current pay.

Why is reading comprehension so fvcking hard for you deplorables?
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either rifle hacked someone's account or someone got their feels torched up ITT.
That wasn’t the discussion, moron. The argument wasn’t if military members were underpaid 20 years ago. The argument was about their pay now and correcting a bogus claim that one of you made about their current pay.

If I argued that professional athletes weren’t overpaid, would it be logical of me to say “60 years ago, professional athletes had to get second jobs for the offseason”? No, that wouldn’t make sense, because we weren’t talking about 60 years ago. Likewise, moron, the argument wasn’t about the pay of the military 20 years ago. It was about their current pay.

Why is reading comprehension so fvcking hard for you deplorables?
What he said about pay 20 years ago is still true today. Although the living conditions may have improved some the food still sucks.
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What he said about pay 20 years ago is still true today. Although the living conditions may have improved some the food still sucks.
No, it isn’t, moron. The claim was that they’re paid under poverty level. It isn’t true today. It’s not even close. In fact, with the benefits, it’s not too bad of a deal.
That wasn’t the discussion, moron. The argument wasn’t if military members were underpaid 20 years ago. The argument was about their pay now and correcting a bogus claim that one of you made about their current pay.

If I argued that professional athletes weren’t overpaid, would it be logical of me to say “60 years ago, professional athletes had to get second jobs for the offseason”? No, that wouldn’t make sense, because we weren’t talking about 60 years ago. Likewise, moron, the argument wasn’t about the pay of the military 20 years ago. It was about their current pay.

Why is reading comprehension so fvcking hard for you deplorables?
I have never heard someone say the military is overpaid.
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No, it isn’t, moron. The claim was that they’re paid under poverty level. It isn’t true today. It’s not even close. In fact, with the benefits, it’s not too bad of a deal.
Sure E1s thru E3s are living large. I pretty sure the moron is the one who never lived the military life trying to tell those who did how great we had.
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Sure E1s thru E3s are living large. I pretty sure the moron is the one who never lived the military life trying to tell those who did how great we had.
Why use straw men arguments, moron? I never said they were “living large.” I said that with the benefits - medical, housing, and food - that it isn’t too bad of a deal . . . definitely not the below poverty line like the other morons claim.
And you are too stupid to look up the military pay scales from the time I served. You also have no clue about the fact that my luxurious "free rent" was living in the old section of Ft. Lewis (apologize in advance if that's named after someone you never knew and could have been mean to black people you never knew). These were WWII barracks. They had just been "supposedly" remediated from asbestos, even though if a piece of siding broke, it was a hazmat situation and specialists had to come in and bag and dispose of them. We also were ordered not to buff the floors because there was asbestos in the tile. Although that didn't last and they made us do it anyway. You're also too much of a pampered pussy to know that you are military 24/7.

A monthly base pay of $948.90 equates to about $720 after taxes. That's right retard, you still pay all the same taxes including federal, SS, and the rate per your state of residence when you entered. That comes to an hourly rate of $1.00/hr. 24 hrs per day x 30 days per month.

But, but, but, got free food! Yeah, another sign you don't understand dick about the military. Hey genius, why do you think the military has cadences about the food? Because it's not the shit anyone prefers to eat. Problem is, when you're single and living in the "posh" conditions of the WWII barracks, you do not get any BAS pay. So now start blowing about $50-75/week on eating takeout (you have nothing more than a microwave allowed and that's only IF you go buy one from the PX) because you can't realistically prepare much in the barracks. You want a television or something to sit on instead of your bunk that better be inspection ready at all times? No problem, AAFES will gladly let you finance all those things so you can have more payments.

Oh, you want a car? Most kids are relatively poor who enter the military and the POS they had (if they had anything) to drive in HS is about to die, so now cough up a car payment. Since you are 18-19 years old, you have zero credit history. You'll get an auto loan with a credit card rate. So you can imagine paying $270-$300/month on a fvcking new Geo Metro (don't laugh, I had friends who were doing just that). There were literally miles of car dealers side by side just, outside Ft. Lewis, chock full of slimy salespeople, just waiting to get their hooks into you.

It isn't a regular job or even college where you get to return to your luxurious room that doesn't have air conditioning, BTW, nor are you allowed to buy a window unit, even if you had the extra cash. You are on duty 24 hours per day. You have to sign out of the company area as a means to track your ass if you did happen to get a couple days off in a row and God forbid wanted to go out of town.

These are just a few of the things about the military of which you couldn't possibly fathom. In fact, the amount of info you don't know about the US Military I could almost squeeze into the Grand Canyon. You've never had to be inconvenienced in your entire cushy life. While these dumb GI's are ordered to march into battle to pay the ultimate sacrifice, you get the luxury of sitting back, criticizing their every move, while you Venmo cash to help bail out antifa thugs who are burning down personal property all because, as you say, "it was necessary."
Rifle is neighbors with the chairman of the joint chiefs. Got into all the military academies but turned them down and taught the blue angels how to do a delta cross

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