TDS on overload

Wonder why they cropped it so close ah there it is. Against the nation’s colors now too?


Edit: and that’s another “I can’t defend Trump quoting Hitler so I’m going to post a picture of Biden… talking?”
Did this broadcast from such a zoomed out view?

It didn't, and you know good and fvcking well the optics were deliberate.

Edit: the only reason this was easily overlooked is because it came across as geriatric version of Hitler yells at clouds.

Tell us, what is your fuhrer so angry about all the time?
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My perception is the far left controls the universities which control culture
And no one really cares. Most Democrats don't even care. Sure, they will agree with things like "the US has systematically hurt Blacks", but very few buy into radical fixes proposed by the radical left.
But if you define Trump as "far right" even though he spent us into oblivion and is fine with gay marriage....
The Christian Nationalist right is but a part of the Authoritarian Right. There's plenty of gays on the Authoritarian Right, here and globally (ever hear of Renaud Camus?)

The Authoritarian Right, when you get down to it, believes they know what is best AND does not care if they can't get the votes. That last part is the danger.
I may be wrong about this though,
You very well are. Nothing since the Civil War has come close to what we saw with the plot to throw out the EC results and bring in false electors, while having a crowd outside chanting to hang the VP.

very strong border is good and racial preferences are bad...and gender zeitgeist/pronouns are bad
I don't think you could find a sizeable portion of the electorate that wants a stronger boarder. The problem is, the border is fvcking huge, there's no easy way to do it...and a certain part of America makes money off the status quo.

All this queer and gender shit is just a smoke screen to rile up the natives. Flavor of the month. It's losing steam even in Florida.
Damn right.

And he's a racist, a pedophile, he has made our country much less safe, backs perversion, refuses to follow the Constitution and his approval ratings are in the tank.

Congratulations on being a bleater.
Wonder why they cropped it so close ah there it is. Against the nation’s colors now too?

Funny, I thought the nation's colors are red, white and blue...

The only thing white about that speech was Biden's topic that he was trying to demonize...

This is the frame people saw when watching it on CNN and other media outlets. I really expected better from you.

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More of a Republican than the majority of "Republicans" today. Including you.

There's no way he can't know who he is cribbing notes from.
you lecturing anybody on where they stand in the political spectrum is totally laughable. you've yourself convinced yore a libertarian. 🤣 yore so damn libertarian that you've fallen victim to calling anybody that doesn't agree with your underlying liberal tendencies "traitor" or a "clear and present danger". to top it off your claim that "leftists are such a small percentage of the politically active" only solidfies how fukt in the head you've become. judas priest, what a load of horseshit . . . you had to be shedding tears from laughter as you typed that out.

based on yore speak of yesteryears, i figured you were savvy enough to realize what you've become . . . wrong.
Funny, I thought the nation's colors are red, white and blue...

The only thing white about that speech was Biden's topic that he was trying to demonize...

This is the frame people saw when watching it on CNN and other media outlets. I really expected better from you.

There’s a white guy right there in the middle!

I think the “what color lights were visible behind Biden during a speech” thing is stupid. There are fair criticisms of Biden and there’s desperate straw grasping and all the desperate straw grasping I see you all doing just tells me you don’t really have much of substance. I know 30 is your all’s EG so I don’t really expect much more from him though.
There’s a white guy right there in the middle!

I think the “what color lights were visible behind Biden during a speech” thing is stupid. There are fair criticisms of Biden and there’s desperate straw grasping and all the desperate straw grasping I see you all doing just tells me you don’t really have much of substance. I know 30 is your all’s EG so I don’t really expect much more from him though.

C'mon man. You know Joe Biden identifies as black. Remember Corn Pop, starting out at a HBCU, etc.???

Kind of like your side's attempts to paint Trump as Hitler??? When your side is the one suggesting re-education camps???

Sorry man. Not buying it. Especially when you deflect about the colors when you should have known good and well what people on tv were seeing.

Your party is the party of symbolism over substance. This is yet another example of symbolism. Joe Biden needed to appear authoritarian to save "democracy" from the evils of MAGA...

I must say your side does a whole lot better job with the symbolism than my side does with substance.
There’s a white guy right there in the middle!

I think the “what color lights were visible behind Pedo-Joe during a speech” thing is stupid. There are fair criticisms of Pedo-Joe and there’s desperate straw grasping and all the desperate straw grasping I see you all doing just tells me you don’t really have much of substance. I know 30 is your all’s EG so I don’t really expect much more from him though.
There's plenty to go around on Pedo-Joe. No need to be desperate. The guy is a horrible president and a worse human being, being a pedophile and supporting child perversion and all.

Opposite of EG is a compliment.
At least Pedo-Joe wasn't wearing a tan suit. Idiots.

But he was inappropriately showering with his daughter and had topless trannys on the White House lawn.

He also supports men competing against, showering with, using the restroom with and banking with women who don't want that type of perversion.

"It's all about his suit." - @extragreen
Aren't we supposed to believe women?
What you need to do is figure out what is meant by "maybe inappropriate". You lying idiot.
Liar. Conservatives aren't for the perversion of the left, dumbass.
You're calling facts about conservative appointed Supreme Court Justices lies. You really are stupid. Really. Stupid.
What you need to do is figure out what is meant by "maybe inappropriate". You lying idiot.

Failed to answer the question, dumbass. It comes as no surprise.

Are we supposed to believe women or just when the left finds it convenient?

You're calling facts about conservative appointed Supreme Court Justices lies. You really are stupid. Really. Stupid.

Show me a conservative who is for child pornography in schools, drag queen story hour, men sharing women’s restrooms, who can't define a women without a biologist and attempting impossible sex changes on minors, without parental consent.

Stop being a deceiving liar, dumbass and own up to what your votes support. You shouldn't be embarrassed over what you vote for.
What you need to do is figure out what is meant by "maybe inappropriate". You lying idiot.

You're calling facts about conservative appointed Supreme Court Justices lies. You really are stupid. Really. Stupid.

Stop being a deceiving liar, dumbass and own up to what your votes support. You shouldn't be embarrassed over what you vote for.______________trumptard
What you need to do is figure out what is meant by "maybe inappropriate". You lying idiot.
When is it EVER appropriate for a man to take a shower with his daughter, dumbass? When?


Damn, you're a full-fledged, pedophile-supporting, Snifftard.
When is it EVER appropriate for a man to take a shower with his daughter, dumbass? When?
You don't know the conditions in which the ALLEGED showers took place. You stupid lying trumptard obsessed with other people's genitals pervert.
You don't know the conditions in which the ALLEGED showers took place. You stupid lying trumptard obsessed with other people's genitals pervert.
Good Lord, man. Not only are you a dumbass, Snifftard, you are very naive, while defending a pedophile.

Good Lord, man. Not only are you a dumbass, Snifftard, you are very naive, while defending a pedophile.

You don't know the conditions in which the ALLEGED showers took place. You stupid lying trumptard obsessed with other people's genitals pervert.
You don't know the conditions in which the ALLEGED showers took place. You stupid lying trumptard obsessed with other people's genitals pervert.
Uggh what grown man showers with their daughter? Loser. What circumstances justify it? Sick freaks.