The dreaded Bahamas Bowl:

And this is what a loss to Charlotte does for you. This is going to fire up the Fanbase for sure if I’m fact it does happen.
Teams (and fans) need time for passports and travel arrangements.

All CUSA players are signed up for passports when they enroll, no member of any team’s traveling party need such time. So who is this CUSAbbs and how come he doesn’t know that?
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Teams (and fans) need time for passports and travel arrangements.

All CUSA players are signed up for passports when they enroll, no member of any team’s traveling party need such time. So who is this CUSAbbs and how come he doesn’t know that?
CUSAbbs is a fan message board like Herd Nation is for all CUSA fans. It's been around for years
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If there was ever a year to take the Bahamas Bowl its probably this year (barring a miracle scenario, win and FAU loss next Saturday).

A. Everyone has to go there eventually
B. We would get a beatable MAC team
C. The fans have checked out for this year, so fan travel is of no significance
Teams (and fans) need time for passports and travel arrangements.

All CUSA players are signed up for passports when they enroll, no member of any team’s traveling party need such time. So who is this CUSAbbs and how come he doesn’t know that?

Maybe the same reason you don't know we have a stagnant football program.
Sam - don’t read the passport part. Pay attention to travel arrangements. My guess - harder to get flights to a vacation destination? All I can figure....
Basically a 3rd world country with some nice hotels and a bowl game the United Nations and Sally Struthers should be doing commercials for.

The Bahamas is not a “third world country”. The Bahamas is the most successful independent country in the Caribbean, with most people earning a quite reasonable (and untaxed) income and living a life style that, while not the equal of the USA, is certainly not one of hopeless poverty found in the failed countries of Africa or Latin America.

The Bahamas GDP per capita is $33,494, 40th of the 193 countries. The average adult person there has a “wealth” (cash plus owned items and land) of over $70K.

If West Virginia were a country, its GDP per capita would be a whopping $2,700 higher than The Bahamas.

I’ve been to The Bahamas, including a lot of time off the tourist paths, and I have been to the “third world”. Trust me, you don’t know what you are talking about. Hate on the football game all you want to, but learn some basic economic geography.
The Bahamas is not a “third world country”. The Bahamas is the most successful independent country in the Caribbean, with most people earning a quite reasonable (and untaxed) income and living a life style that, while not the equal of the USA, is certainly not one of hopeless poverty found in the failed countries of Africa or Latin America.

The Bahamas GDP per capita is $33,494, 40th of the 193 countries. The average adult person there has a “wealth” (cash plus owned items and land) of over $70K.

If West Virginia were a country, its GDP per capita would be a whopping $2,700 higher than The Bahamas.

I’ve been to The Bahamas, including a lot of time off the tourist paths, and I have been to the “third world”. Trust me, you don’t know what you are talking about. Hate on the football game all you want to, but learn some basic economic geography.
like any town, state or country, there are slums, but overall compared to the Caribbean nations I have visited, Nassau or Freeport fare rather well.
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The Bahamas is not a “third world country”. The Bahamas is the most successful independent country in the Caribbean, with most people earning a quite reasonable (and untaxed) income and living a life style that, while not the equal of the USA, is certainly not one of hopeless poverty found in the failed countries of Africa or Latin America.

The Bahamas GDP per capita is $33,494, 40th of the 193 countries. The average adult person there has a “wealth” (cash plus owned items and land) of over $70K.

If West Virginia were a country, its GDP per capita would be a whopping $2,700 higher than The Bahamas.

I’ve been to The Bahamas, including a lot of time off the tourist paths, and I have been to the “third world”. Trust me, you don’t know what you are talking about. Hate on the football game all you want to, but learn some basic economic geography.
I have been to both believe me the Bahamas is a shit hole. Maybe no Honduras level but one wind storm or coup away or one not bringing the cruise line there away.
I have been to both believe me the Bahamas is a shit hole. Maybe no Honduras level but one wind storm or coup away.
I guess we have seen different parts of the country. I have been there about 20 times or so. Would I want to live there no, but there are far worse places in the Caribbean
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Sam - don’t read the passport part. Pay attention to travel arrangements. My guess - harder to get flights to a vacation destination? All I can figure....

Of course the teams and traveling parties are going to travel charter and a plane flight is a plane flight.

As far as us common folk, it is not a lot of people, but just for fun I ran NAS through the internet and the prices are about the same as other nice bowl locations. The hotels, however, are a different story. Lots of places full up.

You can get there from Atlanta, Charlotte, Philly, and Chicago, all of which are reachable from Charleston. It is closer in air time than flying to some of our conference games.
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Fear Not! I don't think ESPN will send us there. We pulled in 1M + Viewers last year against a AAC team.
They want the viewership and MU has a draw. Just not a big enough draw against the MAC then other
conferences. They would much rather send a lower CUSA six win team who may not have the national interest
MU has.
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USA Today projections that came out this morning have MU playing our old friends Miami Ohio in the Bahamas Bowl.
We deserve the Bahamas Bowl period.

Agreed... As we rode home from Charlotte a buddy of mine said, "We just need FAU to lose and we can still make the championship game."

I replied, "What about our play on the field this season makes you think we deserve to be in a conference championship game?"

He had nothing.
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I am almost to the point I hope we lose Friday and go 0 and 12 next year.

That way it gets so bad they have to make a choice.

NOT there yet but the thought has crossed my mind.
That’s a game I have zero interest in watching

But, it will be good for recruiting?

Oh wait, we will get more respect beating them than a bowl eligible from one of the majors!?

I cannot believe some of our fanbase is this stupid to have said those things.

Honestly, after seeing us play against MTSU and now Charlotte, we aren't guaranteed a win against anyone.
USA Today projections that came out this morning have MU playing our old friends Miami Ohio in the Bahamas Bowl.

Save the money and excuse ourselves from a Bowl this year!

But, I really think Charlotte will be going to the island before us.

The more I look at it the more I doubt we will be on an island. After pulling 1M+ last year it makes no sense putting us on Dec 20 (Wed) at 2PM where there is little to no viewing potential. Much rather put a couple if teams who are less recognizable in that slot instead of losing advertising revenue.
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Save the money and excuse ourselves from a Bowl this year!

But, I really think Charlotte will be going to the island before us.

The more I look at it the more I doubt we will be on an island. After pulling 1M+ last year it makes no sense putting us on Dec 20 (Wed) at 2PM where there is little to no viewing potential. Much rather put a couple if teams who are less recognizable in that slot instead of losing advertising revenue.
johns - 12/25 is on a Weds - 12/20 would be Fri?
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Have my days messed up. But you get the picture, even on Friday during the day very little viewing potential;
2pm est , 11 pst on a workday. Makes no financial sense!
It is a Friday, but the point is valid. If you assume most folks get the two eves and the two days and weekends, then the Bahamas Bowl, along with the Independence, Military, Pinstripe, First Responder, Redbox, Music City, Birmingham, and (please die out) Famous Idaho Potato bowls are all played during work hours on work days.

MU does draw better TV ratings than most MACers and AACers. This is an ESPN TV show, not a merit based system of assignment. Disney is all about the $$.
Fear Not! I don't think ESPN will send us there. We pulled in 1M + Viewers last year against a AAC team.
They want the viewership and MU has a draw. Just not a big enough draw against the MAC then other
conferences. They would much rather send a lower CUSA six win team who may not have the national interest
MU has.

If Marshall played Alabama you would credit MU with the high rating. ;)
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then the Bahamas Bowl, along with the Independence, Military, Pinstripe, First Responder, Redbox, Music City, Birmingham, and (please die out) Famous Idaho Potato bowls are all played during work hours on work days. .[

Those are Between Christmas and New Years. Most business slow down for that week. Usually; Min. staff, light hours. At least the companies
I have worked for. Then again I have never worked in Fast Food or the service industry. So my week have been slow during that week.