Time for the USA to get an exit strategy out of Ukraine

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
We need an off ramp out of there in some way. A brokered peace deal might work. A setttlement. Something. This is an endless and dangerous pit to me in. Someone needs to work on a peace deal or broker a negotiation. Sending billions and flirting with WW3 is not a good strategy and long term not in our vital interest. We are playing with fire here and an escalation that is very dangerous.

We need a way out and we get both sides to get to the table and hash this thing out. I don't care if Ukraine does lose ground. They have lost it anyway and we can't send billions over there every quarter and be threatening each other with nukes.

Time to get it done.
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I don't believe you'll get anything, particularly by the US of A. Mush is in bed with these criminals, so he's got to keep paying the fiddle player. Donald J. Trump knew all about his misdeeds, and Nancy and pencil neck impeached him over it. All these so called leaders are getting rich off selling all this weaponry.

Did you see mumbling mush last week attempting to give a speech? If they cheat us out of these midterm elections, we're in really big trouble.
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I’ve read a lot about Putin recently. Even from his days in the KGB, he is a person of singular focus. He sets a goal and reaches it no matter the loss of lives and materials. I don’t believe this will end well.
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The reality is we are in between to very corrupt countries fighting over a territorial dispute.
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Don’t worry guys, the head of the teachers union is on it. It’s fine

Thank God she is heading to the border. Oh wait, the Ukraine border or our screwed up border? What is she doing assessing the situation? Hey, if you close schools and get some critical race theory in your schools the Russians may stop?

What a joke.
Well, since this administration had no exit strategy for Afghanistan, I don’t see that happening.
Russia's retaliation for the bridge attack was pretty ruthless. I have almost no hope this will end through negotiations.
Russia's retaliation for the bridge attack was pretty ruthless. I have almost no hope this will end through negotiations.
It is going to get worse. But, Ukraine is winning and we are spending billions on it. Or something, like that. Now that Russia has annexed the provinces and now they are blaming Ukraine for attacking their infastructure the attacks are going to ramp up and you perhaps could even see a real declaration of war.

We need to figure out what our role is.
The FSB is laying out a pretty detailed examination of the suicide bombing on that bridge. I’m generally skeptical of any government’s explanation (ours too) but if Ukraine did exploit a port loophole to export grain, food issues are about to get way worse
The reality is we are in between to very corrupt countries fighting over a territorial dispute.
We are one of the very corrupt countries. Ukraine is just the proxy.

Losing Ukraine to Russia means the west loses its corrupt, puppet government state to launder its money and jobs program for do-nothing children of our ruling class. This is why we are on the brink of nuclear war.
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