Uh Oh

Lol. Prove me wrong.

the only ones who don't get a raise every year are those that have, what, 35 or 40 years in and are maxed out on the salary schedule? yes, that's correct.

I get where you’re coming from now. You’re talking about their contractual incremental increase. Those increment increases are around $300 to $400 dollars and are preset in the contract. They aren’t technically raises but your point is taken.
I’d love that much of a raise. After inflation, increase costs of benefits going up I end up losing money on my “raise”. And trust me my benefits cost way more than peia and aren’t near as generous

Their "raise" is about $600 per year. After taxes, that's about $35 per month, and their cost of benefits also increase (hence the reason for some of these strikes over the years).

Social worker.

Ohio Herd just showed that they make $1500 more than teachers. Next.
I am for teacher's making more money. I know shocker. I think they are underpaid. That being said, first of all how can you go into teaching and not know what you are going to make? Second, if you don't like what you make then get another job. Work in the summer if you want more money or enjoy your time off if that means more to you than money. Third, you have pretty good benefits. Finally, this walking out and striking is nonsense.
This is all about charter schools, herdman. They can't stand the thought of losing tax dollars because some parents may choose to send their kids somewhere besides a public school. These are the same people who have no problem with private, Christian schools, mind you.

"We do it for the kids." Yeah, right.
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I am for teacher's making more money. I know shocker. I think they are underpaid. That being said, first of all how can you go into teaching and not know what you are going to make? Second, if you don't like what you make then get another job. Work in the summer if you want more money or enjoy your time off if that means more to you than money. Third, you have pretty good benefits. Finally, this walking out and striking is nonsense.

Then quit your job and live off your wife's wages. You'll have even more time to be stupid.
Then quit your job and live off your wife's wages. You'll have even more time to be stupid.

That is a good idea and then I could whine and bitch about not having enough money. Of course, if she strikes she will be fired and then I will have to go back to work. So, not a good idea.
That is a good idea and then I could whine and bitch about not having enough money. Of course, if she strikes she will be fired and then I will have to go back to work. So, not a good idea.

No, really, you should just stay home. Your wife makes plenty of money for the both of you. You both knew what you were getting into when she went into teaching. Just quit your job, and that way you can see if that choice for her to teach was as smart as a decision as you and her thought.
No, really, you should just stay home. Your wife makes plenty of money for the both of you. You both knew what you were getting into when she went into teaching. Just quit your job, and that way you can see if that choice for her to teach was as smart as a decision as you and her thought.
That is the way you idiots think. One person goes to work and the other sits at home then cry a river because you dont make the money you want to. That's called a choice.
That is the way you idiots think. One person goes to work and the other sits at home then cry a river because you dont make the money you want to. That's called a choice.

I'm fairly certain your wife makes well over TWICE the minimum wage. I want to see how well you live on that income. moron.
I get where you’re coming from now. You’re talking about their contractual incremental increase. Those increment increases are around $300 to $400 dollars and are preset in the contract. They aren’t technically raises but your point is taken.
$588, to be exact. No, they are not present in their contract, it's the state minimum salary scale. They are technically raises. EDIT: i guess it could be argued the increases are present as their contract likely stipulates they're paid at the state minimum salary scale.

for the record, I'm for teachers getting a raise and the base salary getting up at least close to that of surrounding states. it makes it a bitch for school systems, specifically border counties, to fill positions when staff can drive 20 minutes, if that, to the next state and earn $10K+ more annually.

on the flip side, that's WV's economy and those surrounding counties could (and do) pass an excess levy and pay additional supplements and offer other benefits to get teachers to stay in their system. hell, i could at minimum double, probably triple, my salary by moving to NOVA. the property taxes of what i currently pay would probably increase by 10 times what i pay now, though, on property not nearly as nice as what i have now. my house, or MIL's basement as @HerdBuckeye calls it, in NOVA would be about a $1.5 million plus home.
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I'm fairly certain your wife makes well over TWICE the minimum wage. I want to see how well you live on that income. moron.

Envy no way to go through life greed. Nor, is fruitless and pointless fabricated arguments a way to try to make a point. Frankly, you don't know my situation and what we've done to be where we are at and you really don't even know where we are at in life.
Envy no way to go through life greed. Nor, is fruitless and pointless fabricated arguments a way to try to make a point. Frankly, you don't know my situation and what we've done to be where we are at and you really don't even know where we are at in life.

It has nothing to do with envy, it has to do with your stupid argument for keeping the minimum wage low. My argument is likely fruitless, but it is definitely not pointless. I want to know how well you and your family of what, 2?, would make it at more than TWICE the minimum wage.
I see why teacher/student sexual abuse isn't a major issue in WV

It has nothing to do with envy, it has to do with your stupid argument for keeping the minimum wage low. My argument is likely fruitless, but it is definitely not pointless. I want to know how well you and your family of what, 2?, would make it at more than TWICE the minimum wage.
Well the first year or so when were married , we had 2 people, we both made minimum wage. I worked two part time jobs(one in construction and cleaning sewer systems) and took 18 hours my last semester at Marshall. My wife also worked part time jobs at minimum wage and was finishing school. I also gave Uncle Sugar 6... err 8 more years of my life on top of what I had already done previously and went to drill's on the weekends and went to glorious places doing wonderful things.

We made it!

Years and years tater she was a school teacher and worked on the side waiting tables and worked the summer waiting tables.

We made it!

I am not sure what you are trying to get at. Been there and done that brother.
Years and years tater she was a school teacher and worked on the side waiting tables and worked the summer waiting tables.

We made it!

So, you agree that to "make it", a teacher should have to work a side job and summers while also having a working husband. On the other hand, I believe everyone in the U S should make a living wage from ONE full time job.
So, you agree that to "make it", a teacher should have to work a side job and summers while also having a working husband. On the other hand, I believe everyone in the U S should make a living wage from ONE full time job.
No, that was not to "make it". That was to get more stuff we wanted and to have nicer things. Also, they don't work 2 or 3 months out of the year.

That called a choice!
That's weird, you're the one who said...

Teachers also don't get paid for that 2 or 3 months. They are contracted for the months that school is open.
I am saying we somehow made it! We could have done with less, but we wanted to try for more.

Then, they need to go find an income source for those months if that is the case.
So, you agree that to "make it", a teacher should have to work a side job and summers while also having a working husband. On the other hand, I believe everyone in the U S should make a living wage from ONE full time job.
Flipping burgers isn’t a full time job.
I am saying we somehow made it!

And that "somehow" was the wife having to work 2 jobs for appx. 9 months and work in the summer also.

Then, they need to go find an income source for those months if that is the case.

....and work a second job while teaching, right? How easy do you think it is to find a summer job that will actually make you enough money to pay for a sitter those 2-3 months and come out ahead?
Well, loser....many school districts allow teachers to be paid their salaries over the 12 months so they don't go "without a paycheck" unless they choose.

Well, idiot, they're under contract for the school year, not the other 2-3 months. No one said they go "without a paycheck."
Yeah, and last time I checked I work year round and don't get home until (at least) 6:00 pm every night. That's after getting to the office at 7:45 am. Never mind the after hours events I have to attend, the 3-4 hour work travel that gets me home at 10 pm sometimes, or the 3-4 nights in a row I have meetings out of town. Or the constant calls and texts over the weekend from my clients.

Yeah, I'm a banker.

Sounds like me. And oh yeah, I work every other Saturday too. I am in the wrong business.
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This is all about charter schools, herdman. They can't stand the thought of losing tax dollars because some parents may choose to send their kids somewhere besides a public school. These are the same people who have no problem with private, Christian schools, mind you.

"We do it for the kids." Yeah, right.

I have a problem with private religious schools taking tax dollars. I'm sure you would be tickled pink if a bunch of tax-funded Muslim schools popped up.

Charter schools have been mixed here, at best. Percentage wise, more of them are failing than public schools. Minority students have shown gains, but I think that has more to do with the fvcked up socioeconomic issues in majority minority schools...the parents that are involved and care get their kids out of those schools, and well the results are obvious. There was also a big cheating problem with some of the charter schools. Bottom line: some are good, some suck. I am sure allowing people without even a college degree to teach in them has had a lot to do with the problems.

Does WV allow students to choose any public school to attend? We can do that here. You can even go out of district or county. I do support that.
He means they don't get paid for not working those 2-3 months. They get paid for their nine months of work

You're not helping your "penny pinching teacher's" case here. This is exactly what I was hoping you would reinforce. That "impoverished", "unable to afford a hotel room", $35-40K per... "year"..... looks even better now than it did before.
What we have learned here from liberals (using the 35-40k "contract"): someone grossing ~$3800-$4400/ month plus low cost benefits... for the 9 months they are contracted to unfair. o_O:rolleyes:
I sat in on the entire house floor debate and the vote to kill the bill. Teachers left very happy prepared to return to class. Now we’re getting word that there is still some political gamesmanship being played and it might not be over. We have been asked to return to the Capitol at 6:00. We’ll see I guess.

On a side note my wife and I were recognized by representative Lovejoy prior to today’s session. My daughter is friends with him and had him come speak to us while we were waiting in line outside the house gallery. Introducing us took us by surprise.
What we have learned here from liberals (using the 35-40k "contract"): someone grossing ~$3800-$4400/ month plus low cost benefits... for the 9 months they are contracted to unfair. o_O:rolleyes:

If you like that contract so much, then deduct 3 months wages from what you and each of your employees make each year, deduct it from your annual pay, and take a 3 month vacation. Make sure your employees can't draw unemployment during those 3 months and let us know what they think of the idea.