I'm not sure how you
And I’d love to blame the small % of parents who are dead beats & don’t give a shit. It would be awesome if that was the only battle. But most parents are full of shit anyway. Talk all this big talk about how tough they are on their kids (and they are when it comes to sports and doing chores around the house). But let little Billy/Mary come home with a bad grade. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get some detention. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get a suspension. Principal’s fault.
Even the ones who do care place their energy in all the wrong places. It was bad when I was in school 15-25 years ago. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.
And I’ve seen people bitch about student performance in school and had a thought: why do so many parents spend all of this time & money putting their children in athletics, but expect a teacher to get them ready for college? Newsflash: that gym teacher isn’t making your child D1 anymore than the math teacher will get them prepared to be an accountant. If you want to be more, you have to earn it. You have to put the time in and grind. We teach our kids to do this in athletics, but not so much in education. Why?