Uh Oh

Opportunity for you to open a new business. Think of all those poor teachers out wayne who are desperately looking for affordable child care 2-3 months a year. (emphasis on "desperate" of course)

The teachers wouldn't need affordable child care if they were semi retired, moron.
I sat in on the entire house floor debate and the vote to kill the bill. Teachers left very happy prepared to return to class. Now we’re getting word that there is still some political gamesmanship being played and it might not be over. We have been asked to return to the Capitol at 6:00. We’ll see I guess.

On a side note my wife and I were recognized by representative Lovejoy prior to today’s session. My daughter is friends with him and had him come speak to us while we were waiting in line outside the house gallery. Introducing us took us by surprise.
SWEET MORE VACATION DAYS!!! It’s for the kids though. We just don’t want to be in the classroom to help them. We would rather bitch and moan about the possibility of competition
I sat in on the entire house floor debate and the vote to kill the bill. Teachers left very happy prepared to return to class. Now we’re getting word that there is still some political gamesmanship being played and it might not be over. We have been asked to return to the Capitol at 6:00. We’ll see I guess.

On a side note my wife and I were recognized by representative Lovejoy prior to today’s session. My daughter is friends with him and had him come speak to us while we were waiting in line outside the house gallery. Introducing us took us by surprise.
I can't imagine living there again with all the small town and high school level drama. Good Lord.
SWEET MORE VACATION DAYS!!! It’s for the kids though. We just don’t want to be in the classroom to help them. We would rather bitch and moan about the possibility of competition
Serving the kids! What did they learn in WV today? derrrrrr derrrr derrrr d derrerr
I sat in on the entire house floor debate and the vote to kill the bill. Teachers left very happy prepared to return to class. Now we’re getting word that there is still some political gamesmanship being played and it might not be over. We have been asked to return to the Capitol at 6:00. We’ll see I guess.

Technically, the House has 24 hours to consider/reconsider their vote for Indefinite Postponement. Sounds to me like a formality at this point.
We showed that legislature up there in Charleston!

Only a half day of striking - I think so. I think they made them their bitch.

Now maybe they can propose legislation the proper way - by sitting down with representatives of education and working with them to make meaningful and beneficial changes for the betterment of education, not simply a threat to steal public funds from public schools to funnel them to charter schools where there are no educational requirements for teachers and no regulations.
Only a half day of striking - I think so. I think they made them their bitch.

Now maybe they can propose legislation the proper way - by sitting down with representatives of education and working with them to make meaningful and beneficial changes for the betterment of education, not simply a threat to steal public funds from public schools to funnel them to charter schools where there are no educational requirements for teachers and no regulations.

You guys are doing so well up there now. I would keep doing what you are doing.
If you like that contract so much, then deduct 3 months wages from what you and each of your employees make each year,

Ehhh. Ehhh. Ehhh. You can’t move those goalposts now.

You’ve already demonstrated their contract is NOT for an entire 12 month year. It IS for a 9 months period. They accepted a contract and career that pays them for 9 months of work.

They are paid for working 9 months. Period. I am paid for working 12 months. No one needs to “deduct” anything from someone who is actually paid to work 12 months a year. Teachers agree to work 9 via a contract. Most everyone else in the noneducation world works 12. Get over it.

Here is an idea. Maybe teachers should fight for a contract that has them showing up to school buildings for 12 months, in order to actually be paid for 12. Based on their current contracted “rate”, adding ~3 months of salary would be a significant raise for many.

Of course the last thing I’m going to do is take employer advice from a loser like yourself. “Mr. Should I Make My Wage Labor Commission”? Pffft.
They should do that separately from something as divisive as charter schools.

Of course it would not benefit everyone, some areas of the state are just too rural to be packing your kid over ten mountain ridges to another school.
our county has students that attend schools from neighboring counties, we have students who attend schools in neighboring counties. they have to be approved by both BOE's in order to do so, but it is allowable. approval is typically granted in most situations. only reasons i can think it wouldn't be approved would be disciplinary issues or class size restraints.
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You’ve already demonstrated their contract is NOT for an entire 12 month year. It IS for a 9 months period. They accepted a contract and career that pays them for 9 months of work.

I've demonstrated exactly that. I also stated what you can do if you like working 9 months out of the year and getting paid for 9 months. I could repost that part also if necessary.
I also stated what you can do if you like working 9 months out of the year and getting paid for 9 months. I could repost that part also if necessary.

Why would I want to work for 9 months and get paid for 9 months when I choose to work and be paid for 12? Seriously, moron. What is it you're really trying to argue here? I don't think you even know at this point.

What you've demonstrated is that the example income of $35-40k for 9 months of working.....isn't exactly "penny pinching" income as some have tried to claim.
You seem to think it's great for teachers, moron. Why isn't it great for you?
Because the teachers chose that profession and knew that going into it? They give up some money to have some time off? That's called a deal and accepting it. That's American.
Because the teachers chose that profession and knew that going into it? They give up some money to have some time off? That's called a deal and accepting it. That's American.

Is that the reason your wife went into teaching, to have some time off?
Is that the reason your wife went into teaching, to have some time off?
Part of it. Heck yes. Plus the pay is decent, good benefits, and good retirement. In addition, she likes it. She actually makes pretty good money doing what she does.
Because the teachers chose that profession and knew that going into it? They give up some money to have some time off? That's called a deal and accepting it. That's American.
How much do teachers in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio make. I can guarantee you a lot more than WV. You are for keeping WV intellectual young people in the state as you and Michigan have posted before. Why not pay them more competitive salaries and give them COLA raises appropriately. Because they chose to be teachers??? Let’s compare apples to apples not apples to oranges.
our county has students that attend schools from neighboring counties, we have students who attend our schools from neighboring counties. they have to be approved by both BOE's in order to do so, but it is allowable. approval is typically granted in most situations. only reasons i can think it wouldn't be approved would be disciplinary issues or class size restraints.

Yeah, I know you all have that thing where the kids in northern Pendleton Co go to Grant County. Better than sending them over the mountain.
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How much do teachers in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Ohio make. I can guarantee you a lot more than WV. You are for keeping WV intellectual young people in the state as you and Michigan have posted before. Why not pay them more competitive salaries and give them COLA raises appropriately. Because they chose to be teachers??? Let’s compare apples to apples not apples to oranges.
It also costs more to live in those states as well. My guess is they also out perform WV schools. But, how can you compare the cost of living in Laurel, MD to Logan, WV. I don't know but, do those states have charter schools? I am guessing so.

And look, I don't totally blame WV teachers. The schools there won't get better until the parents want it to be better and demand more out of their kids and the schools. IF the parents don't care and want more then, it won't matter.
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Part of it. Heck yes. Plus the pay is decent, good benefits, and good retirement. In addition, she likes it. She actually makes pretty good money doing what she does.

I get it. Your wife went into teaching so she could have the summer off and then work a summer job. Makes perfect sense.
I'm not sure how you
And look, I don't totally blame WV teachers. The schools there won't get better until the parents want it to be better and demand more out of their kids and the schools. IF the parents don't care and want more then, it won't matter.

And I’d love to blame the small % of parents who are dead beats & don’t give a shit. It would be awesome if that was the only battle. But most parents are full of shit anyway. Talk all this big talk about how tough they are on their kids (and they are when it comes to sports and doing chores around the house). But let little Billy/Mary come home with a bad grade. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get some detention. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get a suspension. Principal’s fault.

Even the ones who do care place their energy in all the wrong places. It was bad when I was in school 15-25 years ago. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.

And I’ve seen people bitch about student performance in school and had a thought: why do so many parents spend all of this time & money putting their children in athletics, but expect a teacher to get them ready for college? Newsflash: that gym teacher isn’t making your child D1 anymore than the math teacher will get them prepared to be an accountant. If you want to be more, you have to earn it. You have to put the time in and grind. We teach our kids to do this in athletics, but not so much in education. Why?
I'm not sure how you


And I’d love to blame the small % of parents who are dead beats & don’t give a shit. It would be awesome if that was the only battle. But most parents are full of shit anyway. Talk all this big talk about how tough they are on their kids (and they are when it comes to sports and doing chores around the house). But let little Billy/Mary come home with a bad grade. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get some detention. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get a suspension. Principal’s fault.

Even the ones who do care place their energy in all the wrong places. It was bad when I was in school 15-25 years ago. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.

And I’ve seen people bitch about student performance in school and had a thought: why do so many parents spend all of this time & money putting their children in athletics, but expect a teacher to get them ready for college? Newsflash: that gym teacher isn’t making your child D1 anymore than the math teacher will get them prepared to be an accountant. If you want to be more, you have to earn it. You have to put the time in and grind. We teach our kids to do this in athletics, but not so much in education. Why?
the three big "B's" of parents "B"itching about schools: beans (food), balls (athletics), and buildings. rarely ever hear anything about book work.
I'm not sure how you


And I’d love to blame the small % of parents who are dead beats & don’t give a shit. It would be awesome if that was the only battle. But most parents are full of shit anyway. Talk all this big talk about how tough they are on their kids (and they are when it comes to sports and doing chores around the house). But let little Billy/Mary come home with a bad grade. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get some detention. Teacher’s fault. Let little Billy/Mary get a suspension. Principal’s fault.

Even the ones who do care place their energy in all the wrong places. It was bad when I was in school 15-25 years ago. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.

And I’ve seen people bitch about student performance in school and had a thought: why do so many parents spend all of this time & money putting their children in athletics, but expect a teacher to get them ready for college? Newsflash: that gym teacher isn’t making your child D1 anymore than the math teacher will get them prepared to be an accountant. If you want to be more, you have to earn it. You have to put the time in and grind. We teach our kids to do this in athletics, but not so much in education. Why?

In regard to athletics, a lot of these parents live vicariously through their kids and they think Little Johnny is going to be the next Rand Moss or Tom Brady.
You seem to think it's great for teachers. Why isn't it great for you?

Where did I say being a teacher was "great"? It has been "great" watching you reinforcing the overall point that making $35-40K for 9 months of work is something your former employees could have only dreamed of.
Where did I say being a teacher was "great"? It has been "great" watching you reinforcing the overall point that making $35-40K for 9 months of work is something your former employees could have only dreamed of.

You're the one trying to make it look like something wonderful, moron. Shouldn't you and the other anti teacher cons work 9 months and take the other 3 off without pay?

And for those who want teachers to work 12 months, have you figured out your tax money will pay for the extra 3 months. Total teacher pay for 12 months would increase about 33% over that of 9 months. You want to shell that out or give the teachers a raise and keep them at 9 months? Just curious....
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You're the one trying to make it look like something wonderful, moron. Shouldn't you and the other anti teacher cons work 9 months and take the other 3 off without pay?

And for those who want teachers to work 12 months, have you figured out your tax money will pay for the extra 3 months. Total teacher pay for 12 months would increase about 33% over that of 9 months. You want to shell that out or give the teachers a raise and keep them at 9 months? Just curious....
You are crazy. Nobody is asking teachers to work 12 months. They get paid for 9 or 10 months because that what they work.

Good gravy man.

We chose not to be teachers. That's America you bolshevik
Shouldn't you and the other anti teacher cons work 9 months and take the other 3 off without pay?
Where have I been anti-teacher? I've simply pointed out they are being paid 9 months for working 9 months. Isn't that the contract they agreed to? Your weak ass attempt to argue someone should work less because most teachers do is just wayne county dumb. It's all morons like you know how to do.....lower the standard.

And for those who want teachers to work 12 months, have you figured out your tax money will pay for the extra 3 months. Total teacher pay for 12 months would increase about 30% ....

Damn the irony.

If teachers want a pay increase, what is wrong with part/all of such an increase being tied to a reform that extends the school year to ~12 months? I would have no problem paying them more if it produces better results for the kids. Hell, I pay taxes now for a public school system I choose not to use....and I don't bitch at all...because it's my choice.

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