
I live about 15 minutes from the beaches in Laguna and Dana Point and about five minutes to the Cleveland National Forest. My neighborhood is in the foothills of the mountain, among hundreds of thousands of acres of a fully operating ranch and a wildlife sanctuary. So this development is pushing out the mountain lions, coyotes, and other friends.

Yesterday, I went for what I thought would be a nice bike ride on the new paved paths where only bikes and the NEVs (faster, nicer, more expensive golf carts) are allowed that connect the neighborhoods and crawl through parts of the ranch that are closed off to humans with fencing to protect the wildlife. Everything was good until I came across this guy:

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Then, 20 minutes later, I ran into this guy:

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At that point, I said fvck this, and decided that I'd head home and take a hike in the evening.

About three blocks from my house, before entering the thousands of orange, lemon, lime, and avocado trees, I ran into this skeptical little guy:

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The only thing I haven't seen is a mountain lion, but one guy has set up a handful of trail cameras around here, and he is getting snaps of tagged and untagged lions weekly.

We live in a broken down Banana Republic

We really do. Our system is broken..DC and the machine are out of touch.

I recently had a decorated war veteran with all kids of awards and training tell me he was done and turning in his papers and he would tell his kids not to serve. You can actually see not only the disgust but actual hurt on his face. Spent much of his 20 years deploying. Probably 10 times or so.

If you want to go after Trump fine. Do it for something legit. The swamp let it slide for years with others. But got to get Trump. Just to try to keep him from winning again.

But it is more than Trump. Our system no longer cares about us. Sold out long ago.

Americans are going to learn a hard lesson one day. They have been spoiled for decades. Our politicians laugh at us.

The world is ready to pounce. They are going to. Americans are too distracted and dumb to see it. Our politicians don't care. They had their power and made their bank.

What you see going on in New York is 3rd World Shit.

America is dying.

Going Electric Vehicle

Falls right into the hand of the Chinese. They control the batteries and chip sets. They will soon control the minerals necessary to make them. We are too dumb to use our own resources.

It is clear our leaders are either dumb or they are beholden to the Chinese. Both govt and business. Probably both.

China will catch the USA within 10 years. Their goal is to completely pass us and the clear super power by 2049. They are well it their way.

As your freedom of movement becomes restricted and the USA becomes #2, your life will change and your children and grand children will certainly have a different life than we did. Enjoy it while you can.

Our leaders clearly do not care about the people. The elites will have their freedom. You and your family will not.
