3 Million

Must be hard living in your paranoid world. I understand you think people are out to get you since Fever outed your game with the locals there.

I didn't say you were "out to get me." I simply exposed you for being a lying crybaby with your claim that you were just trying to be nice and give some advice. In reality, you were making multiple jabs/accusations. Liar.

Primary or secondary residence. You say you have done this three times, so at least one of your properties wouldn't meet that criteria.

Wrong. You may be setting a record for the most times somebody has been wrong in a thread.

I have done quit claims three times. I didn't say that I have "done this" - referring to the immediate transfer of deeds after purchase under my name - three times. In other words, one of them could have been not immediate, purchased from one LLC and quit claimed to another, etc.

You've been wrong numerous times in this thread, and instead of just admitting that 1) yeah, you were being a dick in your first post and 2) you were extremely wrong with your false claims, you're continuing to dig your hole deeper with more bogus claims.

12 month residency requirement. You haven't had either Utah property that long.

This is one reason why you make so many mistakes: you're awful at reading comprehension. Go back and read what I quoted from a source earlier in this thread which you're now responding to. Here, I'll post it again:

Conforming loans sold to Fannie Mae after June 1, 2016, may be transferred into an LLC after closing, provided that: (1) the original borrower holds a majority and controlling interest in the LLC; and (2) if the loan is on a primary residence or second home, the 12 month occupancy requirement contained in the security instrument has been met.

I have given you a huge hint by emboldening the key provision here: if the loan is on a primary or second home, the security instrument is basically waived. Well, does that automatically mean that a third home (either for an individual or used as a rental property) has to have those same restrictions? No. Let show you that:

Exempt Transfer of Ownership

a limited liability company (LLC), provided that

  • the mortgage loan was purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae on or after June 1, 2016, and

    the LLC is controlled by the original borrower or the original borrower owns a majority interest in the LLC, and if the transfer results in a permitted change of occupancy type to an investment property, such change does not violate the security instrument (for example, the 12 month occupancy requirement for a principal residence).


    What does that mean? It means that an investment property (such as having a renter in a Florida property for the past four years, using a property in a resort town for Air BNB, etc.) does not have to abide by the security instrument (12 month occupancy requirement).

    In other words, you continue to prove that you have absolutely no fvcking idea what you're talking about. Again, if you didn't act like a hypocritical, whiney bitch and pretend that you were trying to be a good guy in your first post, I would have simply shown you how you were wrong and not embarrassed you to this extent. But you chose to be dishonest, tried claiming to be the good guy, and tried making me look like I was a dick after your allegation of criminal wrongdoing by me, your jab about Google, etc.

    They made a quiet change in November. Okay, haven't been in banking in awhile, missed that.

    Again, reading comprehension. That wasn't a "change in November" in the way you're presenting it. It was a change in November of 2018, so well over a year ago.

    And if you "haven't been in banking in awhile [sic]" (you should use two words for "a while" in this usage, not the one that you incorrectly attempted), you should know to not make criminal allegations/take jabs in something you are clueless about.

    Additional comment. You posted info directly indicating you researched it on the Internet. So my google as legal counsel comment was appropriate. I was a little surprised that a high roller like you doesn't have an attorney on retainer.

    See, you're wrong again. My posting of links doesn't mean that I researched it with Google on my own before doing it. It's simply me proving that you've consistently been wrong with every fvcking attempt you've made in this thread. How else would I prove that you're wrong the easiest on here? Yes, by providing links showing that you're wrong. That doesn't mean my extent of research while doing these transfers consisted of just Google.

    But the fact that you think I did just that - yet am still schooling and educating a numerically challenged banker who claims to be an expert on this - makes me wonder why anyone would have paid you money for your "expertise" when somebody could have gotten correct answers within minutes from Google instead of spending hours and money getting incorrect information from you.

    You've been absolutely buried in this thread - as much as the other threads you have ran from recently where you got buried for providing false information.

    You can claim that I am just a dick, but to anyone who has read this thread, they can easily see that you were the one who started that with your criminal allegation and jabs. Then, those same people can see you being a hypocritical bitch by trying to lick your wounds after getting exposed and claiming you were just trying to be the nice guy. After repeated changes of your argument, instead of just accepting you were wrong about all of them by making excuses ("it was a quiet change," "I've been out of banking for awhile" [sic], etc.), you continued trying to find ways that I was wrong . . . and you failed in every fvcking one of those.

    At some point, you should just accept that you've been utterly dominated in this thread with your bogus attempts, stop with your dishonesty, and accept that you're wrong . . . just like in the other threads you cowardly ran from.

    The best part which is what your feeble mind can't grasp - even though I have shown you how every single one of your claims (which there have been many) is wrong according to Fannie - is that you're under the assumption that all mortgages are under Freddie or Fannie, and that simply isn't true. In other words, even if any of your claims were valid (which as we see, not a single one has been), that would be only under the assumption that they were Freddie or Fannie secured. But since you've been wrong on every single one of your claims, I have played along under the same assumption to expose you as being clueless even more.

Over half of it is copy and paste from Google or Siri Lawyer.

The only things copy and pasted, Stephens, are the stuff in italics.

Just because you can’t form a grammatically correct sentence - which you just proved again in your last post - doesn’t mean that those who can copy and paste.
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Well, that is apparently his attorney.

Moron, anything that was copied is italicized. You’ve made numerous claims in this thread trying to be an expert, and every single thing you claimed was false. Hell, you had to entirely change your argument in an attempt to run away from your own bogus information. Then, when called out on it, you incorrectly claimed that Fannie “quietly” made the change in November (wrong year) and that you haven’t been in banking in a while (which you used the wrong usage of).

Here’s an idea: if you haven’t been involved in something for a while, then before you try acting like an expert, before you allege criminal actions by another, before you take jabs, and before you make assumptions about their mortgage backer, educate yourself. If not, you end up looking like a completely uneducated moron like you did in this thread, then you’re stuck having to lie and claim you were just trying to be helpful.

At least in the other thread, you have continued to hide from it. For whatever reason, you didn’t use the same strategy on this one. It’s made you look like less of a coward but more of an uneducated fool.

Let’s hope you’re a better father to your daughter than you are with math and banking.
just how many times have you deep throated rifle over the last week? just FYI, if you want him to ram-rod you in the ass, don't ask him to wear a condom, and be prepared to pay him for his services.

Remember when you tried giving the numerically challenged banker a courtesy reach around in the thread he ran away from, and in doing so, you fvcked up basic math yourself?
Remember when you tried giving the numerically challenged banker a courtesy reach around in the thread he ran away from, and in doing so, you fvcked up basic math yourself?
another week later, and you're still attempting to be right? tell us about how women are begging for your pecker again. I'm 100% confident that's what everybody is concerned with these days.
another week later, and you're still attempting to be right?.

There's no attempt needed. The numerically challenged banker didn't even respond back when he was called out for his lies, as they were so obviously wrong that he couldn't even attempt to change his argument that time.

Speaking of which, what is your excuse for your bogus claim in that thread?

tell us about how women are begging for your pecker again. I'm 100% confident that's what everybody is concerned with these days.

You're right - people are probably more concerned these days with your 14th post this year asking what a particular small town in WV is like. You can make the thread really interesting by claiming that you last went there 15 years ago, stopped at a bar, and it was full of "hippies and fags."

My posts are so entertaining that they allegedly get the FBI involved. Your posts are so entertaining that they allegedly get a single other person - WV Fan - involved.
Half? 3/4's is him telling Banker he is an idiotic, disingenuous liar.
atta boy!!! Rifle only has two nuts and Greed is all over one of them!! Get yours before Marine gets here! You guys would be like pups fighting for the last teat.
thank you for finally admitting it. your next post should be to banker, where you apologize to him for being wrong multiple times during the past 15 years.

The best part is that you now realize that trying to defend the numerically challenged banker is not wise, as you're almost assured to end up defending the incorrect side.

As his advisor, are you going to tell him to continue hiding from either of the other two threads in which he made horrendous math errors? The third thread he was wrong in, which he didn't cowardly hide from, ended up turning into a comedy of errors for him.
atta boy!!! Rifle only has two nuts and Greed is all over one of them!! Get yours before Marine gets here! You guys would be like pups fighting for the last teat.

If the conservatives on this board ever get separated from each other, each of you will leave a hickey on the inside of the other's vagina.
The best part is that you now realize that trying to defend the numerically challenged banker is not wise, as you're almost assured to end up defending the incorrect side.
solid post, with the sole exception that I never said that, nor did he even need defended. He's more than held his own with you. If I were to read all the posts, he's probably schooling you.
solid post, with the sole exception that I never said that, nor did he even need defended. He's more than held his own with you. If I were to read all the posts, he's probably schooling you.

Don’t try so hard to be stupid. It comes naturally for you without an effort.

Go to the thread in which he made the claim about that last two days being about half of the number of new cases in the U.S. It was entirely false.

In that same post, he claimed that a certain date had a certain number of new cases. The problem was that the date he specified hadn’t even taken place yet.

Both of his claims were bogus. Would you like to try and defend those claims, as those were the only two he made in his entire post, both of which were fake news.
Don’t try so hard to be stupid. It comes naturally for you without an effort.

Go to the thread in which he made the claim about that last two days being about half of the number of new cases in the U.S. It was entirely false.

In that same post, he claimed that a certain date had a certain number of new cases. The problem was that the date he specified hadn’t even taken place yet.

Both of his claims were bogus. Would you like to try and defend those claims, as those were the only two he made in his entire post, both of which were fake news.
I'll try to find time to look that up, but I'm currently focused on the thread where he's saying your attorney is google. good stuff there. 5 points awarded to Banker
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I'll try to find time to look that up, but I'm currently focused on the thread where he's saying your attorney is google. good stuff there. 5 points awarded to Banker

Yeah, that was brilliant by him. Claim that my advice comes from Google yet proceed to get every single claim factually incorrect legally. Then, when exposed about that, claim "Well, I've been out of banking for awhile [sic]." Then, when called out on even more bogus claims, try to make the excuse that you're an expert on commercial loans and not residential loans AFTER making the Google jab.

Your scoring and judging systems are almost as bad at Banker's math skills.
atta boy!!! Rifle only has two nuts and Greed is all over one of them!! Get yours before Marine gets here! You guys would be like pups fighting for the last teat.

Where's your master, Little Buddy? He got the Wuhan Flu?

just how many times have you deep throated rifle over the last week? just FYI, if you want him to ram-rod you in the ass, don't ask him to wear a condom, and be prepared to pay him for his services.

What is up with you and the gay talk? Always a lot of gay talk.
Where's your master, Little Buddy? He got the Wuhan Flu?

His master has even disassociated with him. For a bit, he seemed alright with the worthless poster latching on and sucking. But recently, he also claimed he doesn't know him, also doesn't interact with him, and treats him like the rest of us. Hell, even the racist in Michigan called him out for being on his nuts too much.
His master has even disassociated with him. For a bit, he seemed alright with the worthless poster latching on and sucking. But recently, he also claimed he doesn't know him, also doesn't interact with him, and treats him like the rest of us. Hell, even the racist in Michigan called him out for being on his nuts too much.

well, I wish I could recall who my master is or the comments he or Michigan made.

"doesn't know him, doesn't interct, and treats him"??..……..good lord is this message board your life? are you here for the relationships? you are pathetic.
His master has even disassociated with him. For a bit, he seemed alright with the worthless poster latching on and sucking. But recently, he also claimed he doesn't know him, also doesn't interact with him, and treats him like the rest of us. Hell, even the racist in Michigan called him out for being on his nuts too much.
not sure what you're referencing, but it has to pain you to know that 90% of the fans here on Pullman are no longer interested in watching you, a 40 year old washed up reliever coming out of the bullpen, just to blow another save.
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not sure what you're referencing, but it has to pain you to know that 90% of the fans here on Pullman are no longer interested in watching you, a 40 year old washed up reliever coming out of the bullpen, just to blow another save.

That 90% (conservative idiots) whiff every time the reliever enters the game.
not sure what you're referencing, but it has to pain you to know that 90% of the fans here on Pullman are no longer interested in watching you, a 40 year old washed up reliever coming out of the bullpen, just to blow another save.
90%? I'd say more like 99%. You have to factor in extragreen. And he wasn't a reliever. He was a relief catcher.
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not sure what you're referencing, but it has to pain you to know that 90% of the fans here on Pullman are no longer interested in watching you, a 40 year old washed up reliever coming out of the bullpen, just to blow another save.

Yet they are still fans of mine, as you said. 90% of Michael Jordan fans don't want to see him try to stop James Harden from scoring, but they are still huge fans.

Buy a ticket and get in line. I'm only signing one piece of merchandise for each of you.

90%? I'd say more like 99%. You have to factor in extragreen. And he wasn't a reliever. He was a relief catcher.

Your obsession with me has grown faster than the others. At least the others who are obsessed built up to that level over years. You've reached that level in just months.

Oh, and I was a starter every year. Remind me how many D1 sports you played and how many games you started.

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