Do you think Crooked Hillary likes Obama?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
And does he like her?

I don't think so. She brought a lot of scandal to his office with the emails and Benghazi. Plus, she acts like she is for the little guy and bashes the system but makes 22 million bucks a year being bought and paid for.

Oh and what the hell is the problem with the VA hospitals under all these Democrats? That is a disgrace.
There is no scandal involved in either of the 2 at the time, only conservative outrage over, so far, nothing.
And does he like her?

I don't think so. She brought a lot of scandal to his office with the emails and Benghazi. Plus, she acts like she is for the little guy and bashes the system but makes 22 million bucks a year being bought and paid for.

Oh and what the hell is the problem with the VA hospitals under all these Democrats? That is a disgrace.
I'm amazed anybody supports her. Bernie made a comment about people not being dumb when asked about Hillary's corruption & tactics. I guess Bernie was wrong.

And ask anybody who has had to deal with the VA if things have improved - the VA Secretary's recent comments have sent my friends who are vets into a rage on social media. I get the feeling they don't feel like things have gotten better.
anyone not able to see the risk and conflicts of interest (regarding the emails) as "illegal" under the law is beyond blindly partisan. The only...ONLY...reason she hasn't already been indicted is because of her presidential candidacy. She's the only hope Dems have to hold onto the WH.(somewhere in the cosmos Richard Nixon shakes his head in disbelief)
Then name the exact thing regarding the emails and benghazi that has been proven to be illegal.
Moron....the FBI has an ongoing investigation going on, that is an agency of Obama's own corrupt DOJ. you said "so far, only conservative outrage" are either a complete idiot or a liar, I'm guessing both.

next lesson....we will go over at what stage of investigation/prosecution things are proven to be illegal.
Moron....the FBI has an ongoing investigation going on, that is an agency of Obama's own corrupt DOJ. you said "so far, only conservative outrage" are either a complete idiot or a liar, I'm guessing both.

next lesson....we will go over at what stage of investigation/prosecution things are proven to be illegal.

An accusation or investigation is not a scandal. For it to be a scandal, there has to be immoral or illegal actions proven. There have been none.
Bill and Crooked Hillary are just misunderstood. All of these "events" through the years have been false accusations. Where this is smoke there is no fire!

Poor babies.
The audit did note that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had also exclusively used a private email account
Did Powell also use his own personal server?
Politico is reporting that Hillary, nor anyone on her staff, reported attempted breaches to the DoD, even though she was afraid to send emails after one of the attempted hacks. Also, she & Huma refused to cooperate with the State's IG looking into the matter. She's been caught lying so many times during this debacle, which is of her own making, that if it doesn't convince people she's a shyster, I don't know what will.
Politico is reporting that Hillary, nor anyone on her staff, reported attempted breaches to the DoD, even though she was afraid to send emails after one of the attempted hacks. Also, she & Huma refused to cooperate with the State's IG looking into the matter. She's been caught lying so many times during this debacle, which is of her own making, that if it doesn't convince people she's a shyster, I don't know what will.
People don't care she's a shyster
1) Possible mishandling of classified email and violation of DOD and State Dept regulations and protocol. Did not seek guidance nor permission to install private server and handling of classified email.

2)Possible violation of the Records Act Passed in 2009.

Federal regulations, since 2009, have required that all emails be preserved as part of an agency’s record-keeping system. In Mrs. Clinton’s case, her emails were kept on her personal account and her staff took no steps to have them preserved as part of State Department record.

There's one difference Greed.

3)Possible violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

I am not sure if Powell is under a current FBI investigation. Crooked Hillary Clinton is.
People don't care she's a shyster
That's what's baffling to me - & people constantly make excuses for her shysteryness too. Of all the people to blindly defend - who in their right mind would pick Hillary Clinton?
You don't run things here. You brought up emails. So have I. Live with it.

You don't either. Honestly, I don't know why they let you hang around here. That being said.

This is about Hillary's investigation.

Not your babbling about the Iraq war.
This is also about former sec of state also. He put our nation at risk. And is a liar.

Not really. I think the FBI is investigating Hillary.

And what the hell kind of excuse is that for her? Well so and so did something? You are defending her sorry ass a lot. What happened to Crazy Bernie support?
Not really. I think the FBI is investigating Hillary.

And what the hell kind of excuse is that for her? Well so and so did something? You are defending her sorry ass a lot. What happened to Crazy Bernie support?

It's not an excuse. I'm simply exposing your rampant willingness to excuse one while attacking another for very similar things. Powell was a coward, liar, and had classified info on his personal email account. And I'm still a Bernie supporter.
It's not an excuse. I'm simply exposing your rampant willingness to excuse one while attacking another for very similar things. Powell was a coward, liar, and had classified info on his personal email account. And I'm still a Bernie supporter.
Difference is Powell didn't set up a private server and intentionally try to hide emails from foia requests. I k is you try to make everything black and white be it even you have to be able to see the difference in the two situations
Difference is Powell didn't set up a private server and intentionally try to hide emails from foia requests. I k is you try to make everything black and white be it even you have to be able to see the difference in the two situations

Colin... Powell... According to the cons he should be in jail.
If Powell broke the law there should have been consequences for him as well, although the SOL would have expired by now.

Both parties are, and have always been, guilty of covering up the transgressions of their higher-ups.

Even if Powell committed a criminal act and wasn't caught/prosecuted, how or why do you feel that validates Clinton's possible wrongdoings?

Greed's entire argument in this thread rests on an intellectually dishonest premise that because one person got away with criminal activity, we should ignore the same actions by others. He does all this whole failing to take into account additional factors, such as (1) the strength and extent of the evidence against Clinton as opposed to Powell (to be fair, I don't know much about the Powell situation he's referring to), (2) Clinton's and her cronies' refusal to comply with court orders or simply cooperate with the investigation (not aware of similar actions concerning Powell), and/or (3) the fact that Clinton utilized a private server.

In short, you can't ignore illegal activity and criminal consequences just because someone else may have gotten away with the same or similar conduct. Such a position is absurd beyond belief, and, frankly, ignorant.
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Joe robs a convenience store and shoots the clerk. For whatever reason - maybe no eye witnesses and only weak evidence linking him to the offense, or unreliable identification of Joe, etc. - Joe isn't prosecuted.

Bob engages in the exact same conduct, but is caught red-handed. Not only that, Bob attempts to cover up his actions by lying to the police and is outed for his attempted cover-up. Should Bob not face charges because Joe didn't?
No, moron. I'm not taking up for anyone. I'm saying the conservative hypocrisy both in the gop and on this board is thick enough to cut with a knife. Colin Powell personally and Condi Rice's staff had classified information in their emails. The only practical difference is the amount of time since each left office. If the GOP is going to continue this witch hunt I want to see an absolutely scathing reprimand from the GOP of Rice and Powell, or I want them to shut up.