Joe Biden is a Piece of Shit

Alcohol and marijuana are both mind-altering substances. Period. Thats why they exist in the first place. People don’t drink because they like the flavor. They drink because it gives them a buzz or gets them drunk. Likewise, people smoke weed because they want to get high. Same principle.

Using that logic, fishing is a gateway drug.
People don’t drink because they like the flavor. They drink because it gives them a buzz or gets them drunk..

You're truly so god damned ignorant on this that I can't believe I am even responding.

Wine growing and the rating of wine is a multi-billion dollar industry. They aren't focusing on the percent of alcohol in the wine or the ease of getting intoxicated from it. They are focused on the taste, texture, aroma, etc. of it.

Quite a bit of beer and liquor is the same and doesn't have any relation to getting drunk from it. You think a guy who has one or two cold beers during a 3.5 hour game in Texas in the middle of July is drinking those one or two beers because it alters his mind? No. It's because it is refreshing and he likes the taste.
His campaign released a list of over 400 supporters and made it appear they were all black. It was an unforced error that came back to hurt him. Not that he had a chance in hell, but he certainly couldn't afford stepping on his dick like this. Using a stock photo of Kenyans doesnt help either.

I am aware of all of this.

First the biggest stink was the three liars that agreed to be listed then lied about it.

The second part is dumber than shit. There are black leaders that think the answer must come from blacks. Then they say the white candidate needs to build a coalition with the blacks. Guess what? That means blacks AND whites have to agree on something.

I see this time and again here locally. There are white politicians and community leaders that do their goddamn best to work with and lift up the black community, but as soon as there is any disagreement the black leaders tell them to go fvck themselves. Quite publicly, too. They did it in South Bend to Pete when he fired the black police chief, and those "leaders" are now the ones the media gives a national platform to.

Don't take my thoughts here as anti-black. But you can take them as anti black leadership. The loudest ones make a living stirring the pot, and would be out of work if the black community became thriving overnight.

Add in the southern black churches are not going to say vote for a gay man, and you got his poll numbers. The Christian community that has opened doors to and accepted the LGBTQ community is almost 100% white.

I've said for years that the answers for the poor black community closely mirror the answers for the poor white community. The problems that plague both - jobs, education, drugs, absent fathers, living in the shit part of town/the nation - are shared.
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. You think a guy who has one or two cold beers during a 3.5 hour game in Texas in the middle of July is drinking those one or two beers because it alters his mind? No. It's because it is refreshing and he likes the taste

Then why not simply drink non-alcoholic beer or anything without alcohol?
I am aware of all of this.

Herdman said Butt Edge Edge lost the black vote, that's what I referred to when saying he falsified their support. Which he did, he f'd up big time and will feel the backlash.

The rest of your post is spot on. It's not easy addressing those issues without being labelled. Nicely done.
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That's not what the audience was complaining about. They wanted an answer about if Biden would continue the same rate of deportations and same reasons for deportations that took place when he was VP. He refused to answer that and kept claiming he would "prioritize" (meaning he would first go after felons). That doesn't answer the question that the audience continued to try getting an answer to.
I agree with what you say...but, IMO, it was a publicly stunt. All the guy can do is lay out the parameters for appeared to me those arguing and chanting were there, first and foremost, to make a scene.
People don’t drink because they like the flavor. They drink because it gives them a buzz or gets them drunk.

This is total bullshit.

For alcoholics, sure. Those bastards will drink mouthwash. For the vast majority of those who drink alcohol, it is total bullshit.

I went and counted just for this reply. I have 19 different beers in the house. Most are American, I have three Germans and one Belgian. This is a curated, rotating collection. None of them are cheap, mass produced, mass consumed shit. I genuinely like the flavor of each one. If I plan on drinking two, I still buy four or six. I have maybe 7 or 8 go-to's, and the rest I either go by the reputation of the brewery of read friends' reviews and choose. I often just drink one or two in an evening, which gives me zero buzz.

Tonight I am drinking Zombie Dust, by Three Floyds Brewing. I bought a six pack for $15. This is an one-an-hour beer, as most of what I drink is. It gets more complex as it warms and opens up. If I wanted to get shitfaced for cheap, I'd buy a 15 pack of Budweiser horsepiss and slam it home in three hours. It just gets nastier as it warms.

I honestly pair beers with food, like others do with wine.

And nothing is as refreshing as a cold beer on a hot summer day. For some folks, it's a cheap mass produced beer. I prefer a good Belgian wheat.

I have four bourbons and a vodka. None of them are rotgut. Thought went into each purchase. I have about ten bottles of wine, and none of them are shit. Like Rifle said, high end wine is a billion dollar industry. I've been in a lot of fine restaurants with great wine lists, and I have yet to see someone smash three $200 bottles of wine just to get crunk.

And I have a jar of "apple pie moonshine" I bought in Gatlinburg. It's not that great. But it's what you do when in that town. It's a nice novelty that guests will probably sample for the hell of it. If I wanted to get shitfaced I would just smash that.
Then why not simply drink non-alcoholic beer or anything without alcohol?

NA beer tastes like shit. The complexities that form a good beer come from the yeast strain and how when it develops alcohol it interacts with the other ingredients. To put it a way you would get, NA beer is like a really flat Coke, which of course no longer tastes like Coke. Coke needs the interplay of the carbonation and the ingredients.

And who the hell only drinks alcoholic beverages? Bums? Why drink only beverages without alcohol?

You ever slam a bunch of Mountain Dews? Did you do that for the flavor, or for the buzz? A giant coffee?
This is total bullshit.

For alcoholics, sure. Those bastards will drink mouthwash. For the vast majority of those who drink alcohol, it is total bullshit.

I went and counted just for this reply. I have 19 different beers in the house. Most are American, I have three Germans and one Belgian. This is a curated, rotating collection. None of them are cheap, mass produced, mass consumed shit. I genuinely like the flavor of each one. If I plan on drinking two, I still buy four or six. I have maybe 7 or 8 go-to's, and the rest I either go by the reputation of the brewery of read friends' reviews and choose. I often just drink one or two in an evening, which gives me zero buzz.

Tonight I am drinking Zombie Dust, by Three Floyds Brewing. I bought a six pack for $15. This is an one-an-hour beer, as most of what I drink is. It gets more complex as it warms and opens up. If I wanted to get shitfaced for cheap, I'd buy a 15 pack of Budweiser horsepiss and slam it home in three hours. It just gets nastier as it warms.

I honestly pair beers with food, like others do with wine.

And nothing is as refreshing as a cold beer on a hot summer day. For some folks, it's a cheap mass produced beer. I prefer a good Belgian wheat.

I have four bourbons and a vodka. None of them are rotgut. Thought went into each purchase. I have about ten bottles of wine, and none of them are shit. Like Rifle said, high end wine is a billion dollar industry. I've been in a lot of fine restaurants with great wine lists, and I have yet to see someone smash three $200 bottles of wine just to get crunk.

And I have a jar of "apple pie moonshine" I bought in Gatlinburg. It's not that great. But it's what you do when in that town. It's a nice novelty that guests will probably sample for the hell of it. If I wanted to get shitfaced I would just smash that.

Honest question because I don’t drink. Why can’t these things be made without alcohol and be just as good? And if they didn’t have alcohol, but otherwise were the exact same drinks, would you even buy them?
And if they didn’t have alcohol, but otherwise were the exact same drinks, would you even buy them?

I haven't had a beer in 42 years, but I remember. If it didn't have alcohol I would have never started drinking it, but, once you acquire a taste for beer it actually tastes good. Really enjoyed it with pizza or steak and fries.
Honest question because I don’t drink. Why can’t these things be made without alcohol and be just as good? And if they didn’t have alcohol, but otherwise were the exact same drinks, would you even buy them?

I explained that in my other post. It really is the brewing process and how the yeast affects everything else. The really good brewers are all about what strain of yeast, exactly which variety of hops, exactly which grains, and it all interacts a certain way.

And you can see this in some styles of beer and how difficult it is to make a really good lower alcohol version. I really enjoy pale ales. Most pale ales are at least 6% ABV and go up from there, most are close to 7% ABV and up. You cannot just drink five or six good pale ales in a setting at the bar or restaurant and not be buzzing or legally drunk. So a new category is "Session Pale Ale", with alcohol below 5% ABV so you can do better drinking five or six in a couple hours at the bar. And most of them taste like shit. The hops just cannot open up to the really floral and citrusy complexities the style is known for. We call it "hop water", you get the sour part of the style without the flavors, with ZERO addition of the malts.

Does high alcohol make a beer good? No. Most of the wheat beers I really like come in around 5% ABV. I really like a good Hefeweizen/Weissbier. That is a European style. Hefe literally means "with yeast". The yeast strains used, when the alcohol is fermented, produce undertones of banana and clove. There is zero way to get those flavors without producing alcohol, unless artificial flavors were used...and then it would not be beer, it would be a weird grainy soda.

I understand you not wanting to drink, and I understand it has a lot to do with your faith and values. And that is fine! And it is fine when people don't drink because alcoholism runs in their family. That is smart! But I do ask that you understand that LOTS of those who drink very well might enjoy a buzz or a decent drunk every now and then, but they also really do choose their drinks on flavor and quality.
BTW, I could sorta explain the same for bourbon or wine, but I am much more knowledgeable about how beer is brewed. There are simply more accessable local brewers I bullshit with than distillers or vintners. And bourbon is weird science, for example different locations in the barrel house produce different characteristics. But yeah, the flavors of bourbon are not naturally available without the presence of alcohol, plain water would interact with the wood barrel differently. This is why the new fad of barrel aged beers do not use virgin barrels, the flavor is from the old whiskey barrel where the alcohol has interacted over time with the wood.
NA beer tastes like shit. The complexities that form a good beer come from the yeast strain and how when it develops alcohol it interacts with the other ingredients. To put it a way you would get, NA beer is like a really flat Coke, which of course no longer tastes like Coke. Coke needs the interplay of the carbonation and the ingredients.

And who the hell only drinks alcoholic beverages? Bums? Why drink only beverages without alcohol?

You ever slam a bunch of Mountain Dews? Did you do that for the flavor, or for the buzz? A giant coffee?

Diet Mountain Dew is the only pop I drink, because of the flavor and having zero calories. I have never gotten a buzz/sugar rush from any pop in my life. I don’t drink coffee either. I have maybe had 5 cups total my entire life, if you add a sip here and a drink there. I’ve never drank an entire cup at once, or even a quarter of a cup.
Diet Mountain Dew is the only pop I drink, because of the flavor and having zero calories. I have never gotten a buzz/sugar rush from any pop in my life. I don’t drink coffee either. I have maybe had 5 cups total my entire life, if you add a sip here and a drink there. I’ve never drank an entire cup at once, or even a quarter of a cup.

Do you have a Diet Dew in the morning? If so, yeah you are getting the caffeine affect, and probably are mildly addicted to it. I drink a big ass fountain Diet Coke every morning, that is my coffee.
Do you have a Diet Dew in the morning? If so, yeah you are getting the caffeine affect, and probably are mildly addicted to it. I drink a big ass fountain Diet Coke every morning, that is my coffee.

Sometimes, but it’s rare. I get the caffeine connection, but I usually work out in the morning so I don’t drink or eat anything until lunch time.
Raoul, do you believe real bourbon can be produced outside of KY? I'm kinda a snob about that and look at the NY and TX bourbons as a farce. It may taste good but it's not bourbon.
Raoul, do you believe real bourbon can be produced outside of KY? I'm kinda a snob about that and look at the NY and TX bourbons as a farce. It may taste good but it's not bourbon.

Bourbon can be made anywhere, but of course the bourbon producing region of Kentucky has a very particular quality water due to geology/limestone.
I drink alcohol and non alcohol stuff all the time for both taste and psychoactive effects.

Great coffee (taste, stimulant), Topo Chico +\- salt/lime (taste alone), beer and wine (sometimes taste, sometimes taste and psych effects) are consumed by the wife and I regularly. I love a red wine with a steak and have this at home at least once a week. I pretty much get zero psych effect from the glass, just like the taste. Of course if I go on for another glass then I start to feel it. This is not often though.

I home brewed beer for a while with my co residents and it was really fun and a great learning experience. Got pretty good at it, too. made a killer coffee oatmeal stout. Alcohol is absolutely necessary for taste, as the fermentation brings out flavors you just can’t mimic.
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