Marie Kondo


Aug 5, 2001
Here’s another name crashing the pop culture. I’m seeing her name pop up in articles on my newsfeed every day. I like her concept...tidying up all the clutter in our lives...but after watching a few of her episodes on Netflix with my wife, I cringe every time this woman shows up at someone’s house with her shrill voice and pseudo spiritual approach to cleaning up clutter.

One of the things my wife and I “disagree” on quite frequently is her penchant for keeping too much stuff that clutters the closets, drawers, garage, etc. So I’m going to suffer a few episodes with her hoping for her to catch the declutter fever. Any of you believe we hold onto way too much stuff in our lives? Clothes, book, newspapers, magazines, memorabilia, trinkets...just way too much stuff.
We have way too much stuff. But, I am probably guilty as well. Plus, I don't want to go through all of it. I have way too many clothes. I could really get by with about 5 outfits or so. Maybe a few more shirts.
We have way too much stuff. But, I am probably guilty as well. Plus, I don't want to go through all of it. I have way too many clothes. I could really get by with about 5 outfits or so. Maybe a few more shirts.

Think about all the stuff you get and buy for others at Christmas. Holidays and special events force us to buy things that people don’t need that ends up as part of the clutter. Go on vacation and we have to buy something for the kids or grandkids every place we go. I mean...we don’t have to, but try to convince my wife. I’m certainly not going to. Lol.

Both of our kindles have helped. We are both avid readers and books can pile up. The kindle has helped a lot. I’m trying to convince my wife that we really don’t need to subscribe to the paper edition of the newspaper. By the time it comes the news is late and I’ve already read the sports articles online. But don’t touch that pile before she has a chance to go through the sales ads and read the community section. God I love her though.
Think about all the stuff you get and buy for others at Christmas. Holidays and special events force us to buy things that people don’t need that ends up as part of the clutter. Go on vacation and we have to buy something for the kids or grandkids every place we go. I mean...we don’t have to, but try to convince my wife. I’m certainly not going to. Lol.

Mine and my wife’s kindle has helped. We are both avid readers and books can pile up. The kindle has helped a lot. I’m trying to convince my wife that we really don’t need to subscribe to the paper edition of the newspaper. By the time it comes the news is late and I’ve already read the sports articles online. But don’t touch that pile before she has a chance to go through the sales ads and read the community section. God I love her though.

Several years ago. I stopped the newspaper delivery without permission. Oh boy. You did what? What about my coupons and sale ads? Anyway, finally, we both agreed and have not missed the newspaper since.

The clutter is amazing in this country. What we all have.
Several years ago. I stopped the newspaper delivery without permission. Oh boy. You did what? What about my coupons and sale ads? Anyway, finally, we both agreed and have not missed the newspaper since.

The clutter is amazing in this country. What we all have.

I really believe it’s a byproduct of a prosperous society. But there’s a psychological element for some people as well. Hoarders for example.
The older I get, the more I embrace minimalism. Having moved several times for work, selling homes, & cleaning out a family home after they passed was enough to convince me the things we think are worth hanging on to really aren't.
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