Midwest Motor Tour

Hey @Raoul Duke MU

I was traveling a lot back and forth to Noblesville the last couple of months while my best friend was battling cancer. Kids and I stopped by and went through the Model T museum in Richmond. Pretty nice museum. The curator gave us a booklet on the Midwest Motor Tour. Have you been to any of these?

Now that we are past the election….let the layoffs begin

Time for the layoffs and economy’s downfall to really start. Dems needed these companies to hold off long enough to maintain some semblance of power. Mission accomplished. “Democracy” was saved!!!

Meta laying off more than 11,000 employees: Read Zuckerberg's letter announcing the cuts|
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Thank you Joe Biden for raising our gas prices and then putting us in a recession to lower them even though they are still double what they were.

That's how dumb Democrats can be. They hear Mush and others say this and fall for it.

They say hey we lowered them. But, yehh dipticks, they are still nearly double what they were. And, they are going down because demand is going down because people are driving less because it is too damn expensive. Then, you temp lowered them by robbing the strategic reserve.

We really have a base of more than half of this country that is dumb.
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Not a rebuild

Don’t forget that.

It’s typically not like me to come poo poo on a win, but here I am.

I’m judging coach by his own words. “This is not a rebuild.” “Our fans expectations are high, I promise mine are higher.”

So apologize for holding coach up to his own expectations. But this is not a championship football team right now. Not close.

Taking away end of half and end of game possessions, we had TWELVE three and outs or three and turnover. That’s beyond pathetic. 3-18 on third down.

That’s not going to get it done. We’re not always going to be facing a freshman QB and get the benefit of 5 turnovers.

Hard to be happy today when we showed zero improvement in our worst area against a team that was FCS 6 months ago.

Are coaches expectations really higher than mine? Doesn’t seem like it.

Pick the score thread App @ Herd

This game is the best natural rivalry game we have had over the last 40 years. They have the series lead, but in the last several we have had some success. It burned them up 2 years ago that they could be held down to 7 pts, and then we took them to the limit last year in Boone before losing late by 1. An App fan on SunBelt BBS summed it up:
I’ve been watching these games since the 90’s and I have yet to see Marshall come into this game unfocused.
Hopefully all the dominos fall just right:
MU 24
App 23

p.s. with Huff’s newly crafted game plan, we have to
a: win the t.o.p. by a good bit, while
b. not letting the 1st qtr end 21-0, &
c. Laborn goes for 125+ & finally
d. zero turnovers.

OK Oldie, Greed, Hokes, Left Leaning Folks, Explain to me why these things are happening and why is it good?

How do these things prepare us for war against near peer threat such as Russia or China. How does it make our military a more lethal fighting force in defense of the nation. Why is your side pushing these two items? How does this make our military better, ready, and able to fight?

1)Why are infantry soldiers having to sit through transgender briefings and class. Let's look at the role of the infantry in our military. The infantry is found in the US Army and US Marine Corps. They are the main component of a land battle. The core ingredient of the military

How doe transgenders fit in this envrionment and role. Why does taking the time to make the current members sit through classes like this help?

Work Environment​

Because the infantry must be prepared to go anywhere in the world they are needed, they work and train in all climates and weather conditions. During training exercises, as in real combat, troops work, eat, and sleep outdoors. Most of the time, however, they work on military bases.


Members of the infantry are ground troops that engage with the enemy in close-range combat. They operate weapons and equipment to engage and destroy enemy ground forces. This job is typically considered to be the job in the Military that is more physically demanding and psychologically stressful than any other job.

2)The US Air Force Just announced pay cuts among several categories including much of their special operations groups including combat controller, pararescue, and others. The people that drop the bombs on people. Others are listed as well in the following article.

Why in a time with retention problems, moral problems, and the threat of near peer threats is this happening? Why would pay be cut during this time?

You know its not your day when

The guy who ensures Democrats get reelected. Couldn't get elected.

Sean Patrick Maloney Concedes to Mike Lawler in Major Loss for Democrats​

Mr. Maloney, leads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the only political committee in the country whose principal mission is to support Democratic House candidates every step of the way to fortify and expand our new Democratic Majority.

I know we've covered this..


I see weekly posts about average attendance in and around our conference. As a fanbase who is passionate about their program, we should strive to dominate these averages. We need to support these student athletes. Its time to step it up a notch. The defense alone deserves sellouts at the Joan. We've got a nation leading rusher. Nation leading Defense. We have all read, and heard the excuses this year. It is our turn to show up, drag your buddy and his family to the game. I think we can also throw out the prices complaint as well.. A person in my office has 16 tickets to give away. Every game I go to, I hear about someone else having extra tickets. Lets get our butts in gear and get loud for this nationally ranked defense. They FEED off the energy. They chose to come here based off what they've seen and we've promoted to them. Time to fill the Joan on Saturday.. Bring your friends. Go Herd.

CUSA Inks New Media Deal

Looks like they're getting in on the weeknight action too.

"The midweek scheduling component is part of a five-year media rights contract the conference signed with CBS Sports Network and ESPN. The deal includes a one-year option held by the networks. Representatives of the conference and the networks would not comment on the value of the deal, but sources said CUSA schools would be making in the neighborhood of $750,000 per year each, which would slot them just behind what schools in the Sun Belt and MAC are making."

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