How many of you guys got your booster?

What are you even talking about? The president of the united states said on live tv (CNN) in July "you're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations." Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweeted the same thing in April. There are countless examples of "experts" claiming the shot blocked transmission.

Omicron is YOUR way out. There are tens of millions of Americans who are already immune and covid has been over for them for months.
Pfizer CEO was tweeting 3 WEEKS AGO that three doses of his experimental gene therapy neutralized Omicron. You guys are being played and you’ve decided to attack the people who didn’t fall for their con instead of attacking the perpetrators. It’s called Stockholm syndrome.

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What are you even talking about? The president of the united states said on live tv (CNN) in July "you're not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations." Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweeted the same thing in April. There are countless examples of "experts" claiming the shot blocked transmission.

Omicron is YOUR way out. There are tens of millions of Americans who are already immune and covid has been over for them for months.
Except their natural immunity appears to fall off even faster than immunity from vaccinations. So the unvaccinated aren’t necessarily getting omicron any less than the vaccinated, they’re just getting all the other variants too still.

Biden’s quote you half quoted went on to say you won’t get hospitalized, won’t go to the ICU, won’t die. That’s an overly declarative statement he shouldn’t have made, because while it greatly reduces the odds of those things happening they can still happen.
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We are getting to the point as a society we are testing people for the common cold and hurting daily life and prosperity by doing so and being paranoid . Letting beuaracrats like political leaders and beuaracrats decide our fate is a dangerous path.
You're an idiot. Oath breaker.
Except their natural immunity appears to fall off even faster than immunity from vaccinations. So the unvaccinated aren’t necessarily getting omicron any less than the vaccinated, they’re just getting all the other variants too still.

Biden’s quote you half quoted went on to say you won’t get hospitalized, won’t go to the ICU, won’t die. That’s an overly declarative statement he shouldn’t have made, because while it greatly reduces the odds of those things happening they can still happen.

This is made-up nonsense. An FOIA request was sent to the CDC a few weeks ago asking if they had documentation of A SINGLE CASE of a previously-infected person transmitting covid to someone and they said no.
If it's been six since months since you've gotten the second shot, the CDC views you as the same as unvaxxed.
This is made-up nonsense. An FOIA request was sent to the CDC a few weeks ago asking if they had documentation of A SINGLE CASE of a previously-infected person transmitting covid to someone and they said no.
Shocking, the CDC doesn’t have documentation of a thing they don’t track, because they don’t track who gives Covid to who.
Shocking, the CDC doesn’t have documentation of a thing they don’t track, because they don’t track who gives Covid to who.

You're not doing a very good job defending your position here. I personally have 10+ examples of "vaccinated" people spreading the virus to others. Previously-infected individuals have neutralizing immunity -- what the "vaccine"-peddlers sold you without testing it first.
This is made-up nonsense. An FOIA request was sent to the CDC a few weeks ago asking if they had documentation of A SINGLE CASE of a previously-infected person transmitting covid to someone and they said no.
There is no way the government responded that quickly. ;)
I mean just look at the CDC coming out and telling everyone that the non-fitted N95 face diaper had at best like an 13% positive effect on the wearer.

Good thing we as a society traumatized and held back an entire generation of children for reasons that anyone with an ounce of common sense knew was bunk.

Well, not my children because I opted out of the incompetence regime a while ago.
I mean just look at the CDC coming out and telling everyone that the non-fitted N95 face diaper had at best like an 13% positive effect on the wearer.

Good thing we as a society traumatized and held back an entire generation of children for reasons that anyone with an ounce of common sense knew was bunk.

Well, not my children because I opted out of the incompetence regime a while ago.
Dems have made a full pivot this week. Yesterday the corpse said the feds couldn’t do anything to help, today Jen Rubin in the WaPo is saying Covid isn’t deadly for Americans, while Leana Wen is saying masks don’t work. It’s truly unbelievable.

The "smart people"'s messaging has changed almost monthly through the whole pandemic and never for any real "scientific" reasons.

It's all politics, as much as Trump's, but since they can't fathom that because they love SCIENCE like a dude following a p0rnstar on Twitter that SCIENCE is an evolving thing based on new studies and evidence, and then rather than admit they don't know they come up with ever more ridiculous reasons why the advice needs to change. Like a kid telling a lie they eventually forget what they are even lying about.

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Wrong. It means vaccinated people are catching omicron at rate 4.5x higher than the unvaxxed. And according to the CDC last week, omicron was 70%+ of US cases and climbing fast.

Just an fyi the cdc now says that the percentage of COVID that was omicron last week was only 20-25%. They were only off by about 50%. I’m sorry but this far into a pandemic and this is the best they can do? It’s time for the cdc to get its act together

That’s an insane miss. I would love to see an explanation for how that was possible.
The same way how if you get a scan after chemo or surgery or radiation and see no cancer at 3 month follow up you don’t declare “you’re cured.”

Longer follow up is important in clinical trials.

Hard to know how much efficacy was lost with time or with viral mutations though.

However, with a novel pandemic/virus you don’t have the luxury for more time. But a lot of smart people will tell you to run the trials, get adequate follow up, so you have good data on the back end.

A big part of the Covid response is tailoring messaging to prioritize promotion of a behavior over prioritizing discussing the actual data/truth. Kind of integrating Cass Sunsteins Nudge philosophy into cdc messaging. I think it works in short term (may promote more vax /mask uptake), but the tail risk is enormous if you mess up public trust in institutions.
The same way how if you get a scan after chemo or surgery or radiation and see no cancer at 3 month follow up you don’t declare “you’re cured.”

Longer follow up is important in clinical trials.

Hard to know how much efficacy was lost with time or with viral mutations though.

However, with a novel pandemic/virus you don’t have the luxury for more time. But a lot of smart people will tell you to run the trials, get adequate follow up, so you have good data on the back end.

A big part of the Covid response is tailoring messaging to prioritize promotion of a behavior over prioritizing discussing the actual data/truth. Kind of integrating Cass Sunsteins Nudge philosophy into cdc messaging. I think it works in short term (may promote more vax /mask uptake), but the tail risk is enormous if you mess up public trust in institutions.
For this big a miss they either had an inadequate amount of data or some flaw in their system that called out non-omicron as omicron.
To be honest, it was irresponsible for them to release those numbers with that large of error bars, because people were going to immediately draw conclusions the data didn’t support. But then they even missed those error bars
For this big a miss they either had an inadequate amount of data or some flaw in their system that called out non-omicron as omicron.
To be honest, it was irresponsible for them to release those numbers with that large of error bars, because people were going to immediately draw conclusions the data didn’t support. But then they even missed those error bars
To be fair I think it’s possible some of those statements may have been true if original Covid were still a thing.

Delta and Omicron were game changers. When cases were super low pre delta and people were post vax rate of transmission was super low.
To be fair I think it’s possible some of those statements may have been true if original Covid were still a thing.

Delta and Omicron were game changers. When cases were super low pre delta and people were post vax rate of transmission was super low.
I’m specifically talking about their miss on what percent of cases were omicron.
To be fair I think it’s possible some of those statements may have been true if original Covid were still a thing.

Delta and Omicron were game changers. When cases were super low pre delta and people were post vax rate of transmission was super low.
The "vaccine" is getting credit for seasonality. It was widely deployed in late-winter/spring 2021 when respiratory virus season is coming to an end. Rates bottom out in June before the summer stimulus in the south. Hope-Simpson seasonality graphs make covid easy to predict. So when junk science models were predicting a long, steady decline in Covid cases through next March, everyone paying attention knew the northeast would see a tremendous surge. I even made a $1000 bet with one of my Branch Covidian friends about a fall/winter surge in New York. His position was the northeast was sufficiently vaccinated and wouldn't suffer the same seasonal stimulus as the south did during their peak in the summer. I let him out of the bet because it would be cruel to take his money because of his willful ignorance.

The vaccine has changed the game. What has been predictable for the last 18 months is now less so due to the stimulus the "vax" is giving the virus. Look at charts of the most heavily vaxxed areas of the country; they are seeing their highest case counts of the entire pandemic. It doesn't take a mathlete to figure out something has gone very wrong. Check out the "experts" prediction vs. what we've known for decades wrt the seasonality of respiratory viruses.

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How are you explaining improvement in mortality /hospital admissions between vax and unvax’d in OG Covid and Delta? You’ve already got the base rate fallacy going, so be careful how you look at the data.

That data is very clear. I’ve looked at my own internal hospital data. It hits you in the head like hammer. We have a RCT that shows this.

Epi modeling transmission/cases is a mess, but the vaccine reducing hospital admissions/death data is rock solid IMO.
How are you explaining improvement in mortality /hospital admissions between vax and unvax’d in OG Covid and Delta? You’ve already got the base rate fallacy going, so be careful how you look at the data.

That data is very clear. I’ve looked at my own internal hospital data. It hits you in the head like hammer. We have a RCT that shows this.

Epi modeling transmission/cases is a mess, but the vaccine reducing hospital admissions/death data is rock solid IMO.

Because they have purposefully manipulated what constituted vaccinated and unvaccinated. You're not "vaccinated" until 14 days post 2nd dose for the mRNA shot, and 14 days after the first with the adenovirus vector. Real data is coming out of the UK where the 4-6 months of protection quickly falls off, and now the majority of hospitalizations and deaths are among the vaccinated.

The only way we can get non-manipulated mortality data in the US is to look at all-cause mortality, which is higher this year than 2020, when it should have been much, much lower. Are these all lockdown deaths? Vaccine deaths? Why did covid wait a year until after the vaccines were deployed to start killing the unvaccinated at a higher rate than when it first arrived?
Well, almost two years into this I not only haven’t gotten a shot yet, I also haven’t taken any COVID test. Trying to keep my DNA out of the database.
We’re just gonna disagree on that one. We have an RCT and massive big data. I mean look at the separation on those curves.

Even if the curves merge after months, there is still area under the curve difference during delta wave (ie lives saved).

Let's say you're right that the shot provides solid protection for 4-6 months. There are other risks to consider if you want to re-up for continuous doses. We're seeing signs of original antigenic sin. What are your thoughts here? Antibody dependent enhancement is another risk. Permanent alteration of innate immunity.

This is all an experiment. The "science" changes hourly. I believe the cost/benefit weighs slightly to the benefit side for the elderly and obese. I see no reason for anyone under 45 who isn't obese to take the shot. The known risk is too high, and the unknown risk is terrifying.
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Let's say you're right that the shot provides solid protection for 4-6 months. There are other risks to consider if you want to re-up for continuous doses. We're seeing signs of original antigenic sin. What are your thoughts here? Antibody dependent enhancement is another risk. Permanent alteration of innate immunity.

This is all an experiment. The "science" changes hourly. I believe the cost/benefit weighs slightly to the benefit side for the elderly and obese. I see no reason for anyone under 45 who isn't obese to take the shot. The known risk is too high, and the unknown risk is terrifying.
I feel very comfortable with clinical trial design and interpretation. I don’t know much about antigenic sin. I’ve read some but not enough to comment intelligently.

Like I’ve said before, for young healthy people the calculus is different now (esp omicron)…so we probably largely agree there. For instance I can’t believe colleges are telling people they need vax 3. I don’t see in the data where there is benefit.
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We’re just gonna disagree on that one. We have an RCT and massive big data. I mean look at the separation on those curves.

Even if the curves merge after months, there is still area under the curve difference during delta wave (ie lives saved).

I'll even concede the graph is correct. The inputs are the problem. The CDC clearly defines who is vaccinated and who is not vaccinated. There are a lot of people in that "unvaccinated" line who are inside their post-14 day second shot window.

I'll find some UK data for you.