Consumer Prices Up 6.8%, It's the highest inflation rate since 1982

From your article:

Trade group the North American Meat Institute accused the White House of "cherry-picking" data.

"It is no coincidence this blog post appears on the same day as the Consumer Price Index is released showing gas and energy prices are up nearly 60 percent over the past 12 months which is nearly 10 times the rate of inflation for food," President Julie Anna Potts said in a statement.

Just stop. You've already displayed you have no idea what you're talking about. Do you know what "gross profit" is on a P&L?
Did the Institute deny the data in their own financial statements? You lying stupid punk.
Did the Institute deny the data in their own financial statements? You lying stupid punk.
Just admit it. You dont know what the impact of reducing "gross profit" is or why it is actually important for a business who experiences the increase in costs seen across the economy. You're too stupid that it actually blows up your argument that businesses dont want to sell their goods and are not selling their goods. You're a moron. Pure and simple. You see the word "profit" and that's it. We see why you were never bigger than a woodshed "business".
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Just admit it. You dont know what the impact of reducing "gross profit" is or why it is actually important for a business who experiences the increase in costs seen across the economy. You're too stupid that it actually blows up your argument that businesses dont want to sell their goods and are not selling their goods. You're a moron. Pure and simple. You see the word "profit" and that's it. We see why you were never bigger than a woodshed "business".
You're a lying idiot trying to justify an obvious immoral and unethical practice. I expect nothing more from you. punk.
You're a lying idiot trying to justify an obvious immoral and unethical practice. I expect nothing more from you. punk.
Yep. The woodshed "owner" trying to explain to us accounting and finance for much larger company operations. Bahahahaha. I expect nothing more from a guy who managed a hobby.
I'll answer again....
didn’t see your original reply with all of your name calling posts. The point isn’t whether you raised labor costs the point is you raised costs because you had to to maintain your current labor costs. You could have eaten the increase in materials if you wanted to.lo but you didn’t to maintain your cut just like the other evil business owners trying to make a buck
Yep. The woodshed "owner" trying to explain to us accounting and finance for much larger company operations. Bahahahaha. I expect nothing more from a guy who managed a hobby.
Did the Institute deny the data in their own financial statements? You lying stupid punk.
didn’t see your original reply with all of your name calling posts. The point isn’t whether you raised labor costs the point is you raised costs because you had to to maintain your current labor costs. You could have eaten the increase in materials if you wanted to.lo but you didn’t to maintain your cut just like the other evil business owners trying to make a buck
You're proving to be as big an idiot as the rest of your ilk. At no time have I stated that it's wrong to increase prices to maintain a profit. My point the entire time is that some businesses are increasing their prices much more than is necessary to maintain that profit. If you haven't figured that out, that's your fault.
My point the entire time is that some businesses are increasing their prices much more than is necessary to maintain that profit
This is why you're such an imbecile. You cant judge this by simply looking at a "gross profit" standpoint. Go back to your woodshed hobby.
This is why you're such an imbecile. You cant judge this by simply looking at a "gross profit" standpoint. Go back to your woodshed hobby.
I'm not looking at gross profit you idiot. You want to apologize for the net profit margin while you're at it?
I'm not looking at gross profit you idiot
You most certainly linked me to an article that used it as it's source of "truth". You keep referring to it "institute denying data" you blathering fool. You have to look at it when discussing any kind of profit and the effects of costs on business. Go back to your woodshed hobby idiot.
You most certainly linked me to an article that used it as it's source of "truth". You keep referring to it "institute denying data" you blathering fool. You have to look at it when discussing any kind of profit and the effects of costs on business. Go back to your woodshed hobby idiot.
That's your problem, punk.
"But it looks like inflation is getting set to jump the rails to the service sector where labor costs make up the bulk of prices. If labor costs accelerate given the recent spike in inflation, the Fed will be facing “a very uncomfortable situation,” he said.

Greed is a moron

Another reason why Greed's "analysis" article is short sighted and more political than informational. Businesses dont always have the luxury of waiting for their costs to jump before instituting price increases. What is today's "gross profit" will be tomorrow's "gross losses" quickly. Companies behind the curve end up like Greed's former woodshed hobby. Dead.
"But it looks like inflation is getting set to jump the rails to the service sector where labor costs make up the bulk of prices. If labor costs accelerate given the recent spike in inflation, the Fed will be facing “a very uncomfortable situation,” he said.

Greed is a moron

Another reason why Greed's "analysis" article is short sighted and more political than informational. Businesses dont always have the luxury of waiting for their costs to jump before instituting price increases. What is today's "gross profit" will be tomorrow's "gross losses" quickly. Companies behind the curve end up like Greed's former woodshed hobby. Dead.
Blah blah blah. You're an idiot.
Blah blah blah. You're an idiot.
The consumer price index is going off the rails. Last I heard it was 6.8 % nationally ans some localities hitting 8%. It is about to go to critical levels if they don't stop and the liberals want to do more spending. We are going to get in national level of emergency proportions if it doesn't get under control.
The consumer price index is going off the rails. Last I heard it was 6.8 % nationally ans some localities hitting 8%. It is about to go to critical levels if they don't stop and the liberals want to do more spending. We are going to get in national level of emergency proportions if it doesn't get under control.
No one is saying there's no inflation you stupid, lying punk. I'm telling you you're blaming the wrong thing. Dolt.
No one is saying there's no inflation you stupid, lying punk. I'm telling you you're blaming the wrong thing. Dolt.
Sure, you think we don't like delivering products? You think we liking shipping partial orders? Having account receivable and PO's hanging out there? Get real
Sure, you think we don't like delivering products? You think we liking shipping partial orders? Having account receivable and PO's hanging out there? Get real
Supply side failure is the problem. And by the way, you're a lying oath breaking idiot.
Biden's going to blow it with these prices on everything and shortages.

His only hope is to magically end this bullshit disease next spring. If it goes longer than that, goose is cooked. Trump could be the next Grover Cleveland.

As much as he sucked and caved, I'd probably still vote for him again if I'm alive to do it. I can't vote for $3 gas.
nobody here agrees with you on the subject where you spout supply side failure and holding back product , nonsense
Supply....side....failure. Period. Any and everyone that agrees with you is also an idiot. That's a common occurrence on this board.