I don't think its political trash, I think its political reality.
if you have friends in texas with flooded homes, then
the time to make the point is now - when it hurts,
because as soon as these texas ass holes (and i'm
talking about the cons not dems) get MY MONEY they will be right
back to talking crap about self reliance, the govt
should get out of the way, let the private sector
handle it and all the other b.s. we hear constantly -
until it affects them - then they always have their
hands out for MY MONEY ( how many times have
we heard that one).
sometimes the only way to get the point across
to people is to hit them with a metaphorical 2X4
in this case holding up money the way they always
do for others - after all "we have a deficit and
cannot afford disaster relief" and "these people
should not have built their homes I flood zones"
"and let the private sector handle it" and "I don't
depend on anyone especially the govt".
screw 'em - let them have a dose of their own
medicine. my only regret is that the bush crowd
is not up to their asses in water and snakes.
but no they are high and dry - I saw George P.
bushe (p for pustule) on tv this a.m. already
running for prez.
screw em all.
My Texas friends are not R's. But you are an A...an asshole.